All Prompts

Item Prompt

Draw a Cinna for a friend to redeem Items. Please submit to the accompanying gallery before redeeming them here [link below]


Hello! Welcome to the item prompt submissions channel. This prompt will remain the same for the foreseeable future.


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  • Choose someone elses' Cinna from ⭐-prompts-cinnas or a Cinna that allows gift art
  • Draw a colored and shaded full body chibi of that Cinna, can be any reasonable size 

Submit this drawing in here, link your submission to this prompt and choose an item from the pool below and submit, where it will be reviewed and once approved:

Make sure to add the item of your choosing in the "Rewards" section!

You may only do this prompt once a month. The submission limit is set to 2 per month to work with that prompts get updated/reset every 10th of the month.


Uploading and Submitting
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Once finished, fill out this form with site-submitted links to your art to the link box.
Make sure to add the item of your choosing in the "Rewards" section!
If we have reason to suspect a user is abusing this opportunity for monetary gain, they will be warned and possibly blacklisted. All of these prompts appear monthly.


No rewards.
1 result found.