



Cinnadogs are the most common inhabitant of the Cinna homeworld. The largest of the non-dragonoids, they resemble a bear and a mastiff, and are very tall and hefty. The paws and tail of a Cinnadog are quite large, and said paws cannot ever be tiny.  All Cinnas have incredible strength and ability to hold up their tails, which sometimes weigh as much as the Cinna itself or more.  

This species of Cinna averages at 8-9ft tall on their hind legs and can weigh around 1,500-2,000lbs. It is not unusual to see a very short or very tall Cinnadog, or a Cinnadog walking on all fours. Cinnadogs are omnivorous, and do not shy from eating food that they are magically connected to. Consuming enchanted sugar not only strengthens all beings like Cinnas and Cinnapets, but tends to be their favorite consumable.

They can have any trait associated with the species along with the correct items for MYOs. 


Said to be the first born of Cyzzyzzyphos - though this is belief is contested with Cinnadragons - Cinnadogs are the most common of all Cinna species, and are naturally benevolent, lovable creatures. Like all Cinnakind, they share an affinity for magic, cooking, baking, art, and adventure. One will find Cinnadogs in all walks of life, accomplishing many a feat and attaining wild appearances through their grip on shapeshifting magic and sugar conjuring.

Since the possibilities for trait combinations are infinite, one will come across Cinnadogs and Cats that could be argued as their own subspecies. It is not uncommon - in fact, widely popular - for Cinnas to reach out to others that share trait similarities and unique combos in order to form communities.  Via the Cinnternet [currently in infant stages], connectivity is experiencing a boom like never before. Documenting all tail fusions, forming niche clubs, and logging history are widely indulged activities by all Cinnas.

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