Terms of Service

Created: 8 October 2022, 21:04:54 MST
Last updated: 11 September 2024, 16:43:48 MST


Updated 9/10/24 - Subject to change at any time.

This is the most up-to-date and accurate version of the Cinnaverse Terms of Service (TOS). Please refer only to this page when accessing our terms.

The terms detailed herein are applicable at all times. By participating in the Cinnaverse in any capacity, you are agreeing to these terms. As such, it is within your best interest to read this! Please do so whenever you need a refresher on buying, selling, or trading official Cinnas, when joining the Discord server, and when participating on-site (cinnaverse.net). 

When interacting with the Cinnaverse community via Discord, please read and follow all rules listed in the rules channel. These rules are just as important as the overall TOS.

Violation of TOS / rules may result in any of the following:

  • 1-2 formal written warnings (via admin DM)
  • Removal from one or more community spaces (Discord server, cinnaverse.net)
  • Species ban + addition to public blacklist

For more information about the blacklist, see “4. Disciplinary Action”.

1. Obtaining a Cinna

Cinnas are attainable by any of the following methods: 

  • Purchase via official adopt sales (Discord or on-site)
  • Customs from Official or Guest Artists (OAs and GAs)*
  • Utilization of MYO items (on-site)
  • Buying/selling/trading, within or outside of the species market chat

All officially recognized Cinnas will have a Lorekeeper Masterlist entry and be accessible via cinnaverse.net accounts. If a character does not have a Masterlist entry, they are not an official Cinna and cannot be treated as such. 

1.1 Adopts 

Adopts have their own dedicated channels within the Cinnaverse Discord, and are often also accessible on-site. Adopts are commonly posted as flatsales, auctions, raffles, giveaways, DTAs, DTEs, mystery, gachas, and advent calendars.

Individual sales are handled by the respective artists, or by admin team members in the case of their absence. 

Specific guidelines for sales are written alongside adopt posts and will vary between formats and artists. 

1.2 Customs - Owner, OA, and GA Terms of Service

When ordering a custom from Cinna species owner darkvvision / Kenna, or from any of our OAs or GAs, please make sure you have read their individual artist Terms of Service. Failure to do so may dissuade those artists from working with you in the future.

We respect each individual artist’s terms within the species. With that said, individual TOS do not override / take the place of the species-wide terms. This arrangement is agreed upon when asked to become staff, temporary or long-term. If you have any questions about an artists’ TOS, reach out to them! 

1.3 MYO Slots + Items

Cinnas can only be created by non-staff through the utilization of MYO slots and items. These items are purchasable on-site via the cash shop, through the DeviantART shop, or on the buy/sell/trade market.

Once acquired, MYO slots and items may be traded, gifted, or resold for their base market value. These items may be used once per Cinna design. Once designed, you may not redesign it without approval. (For rules on MYO designing, see “5. Designing a Cinna”.)

2. Ownership 

Ownership of Cinnas is documented via the Lorekeeper masterlist. Whether or not you knowingly have a cinnaverse.net account, your Cinnas are most likely credited to you! Please create an account to have ownership updated, or have someone with an account update it for you. 

Co-ownership is not officially recognized on the masterlist, and Cinnaverse staff is not responsible for issues regarding co-ownership.

Cinnas have a two-week cooldown barring the selling/trading of Cinnas within two weeks of ownership change. This is to dissuade impulse buying and trading, to prevent masterlist confusion, and to discourage trade fodder behaviour. If you are found breaking the two-week cooldown, corrective action will take place, whether it be reversing the ownership for the remaining duration of the cooldown, or receiving a formal written warning. 

Regardless of how you came into ownership of a Cinna, you may assign monetary value to it as you see fit. We do not impose value limits via appraisals or other methods. We expect our community to use common sense when pricing Cinnas for resale. If we suspect someone of price gouging in a trade listing, corrective action may take place depending on the severity of the case. 

2.1 Account Binding

Account binding a Cinna means that the Cinna is trade-locked, preventing the sale, trade, or gifting of that Cinna as long as the bind is in place. Users may choose to use this feature to prevent impulse trading, show that a Cinna is truly not up for offers, or as a precaution to dissuade co-ownership requests (even though the masterlist does not recognise co-ownership).

You may request to account bind a Cinna even if its initial two-week cooldown is not over. After being account bound, there is an additional cooldown of 30 days until the Cinna can be unbound. This cooldown may be broken early for emergency/urgent reasons, so long as the initial two-week ownership cooldown is over. 

Account binding and unbinding a Cinna is a user site feature and is optional, and staff will not enforce account binding without explicit permission of the owner.

3. Voiding + Unvoiding

Voiding is the process of making a Cinna design unofficial, thus removing it from the species. This can happen per the request of a user, but also happens when a user is banned and placed on the Blacklist. Voided Cinnas may no longer be used in prompts, events, etc. and are no longer considered Cinnas at all. Ownership is still updated on the masterlist, but the character is clearly labelled as voided. 

Users may request to void a Cinna at any time. We do not recommend this, as Cinnas do not have rules against non-Cinna alt forms, but we understand new owners may not wish to be associated with the species.

Once voided, there is another two-week cooldown (separate from the ownership transfer cooldown) until you may ask to reinstate a Cinna that you still plan to own. 

If you come into ownership of a voided Cinna and would like to have it reinstated, you may do so without waiting two weeks. Upon being reinstated, however, that Cinna becomes ineligible to be re-voided for 30 days. We want to discourage voiding and reinstating a Cinna over and over again. ​We will only reinstate the design that was voided at the time, and not any updated version. 

4. Disciplinary Action

In the case of breaking TOS / rules, whether it be in the Discord, on-site, or otherwise, the Cinnaverse admin team may need to take disciplinary action against users. 

We will never revoke Cinnas, regardless of what a user has done. They are the rightful owner of their characters.

Admins have the authority to step into the server at any time and correct minor actions taken (i.e. request a topic change, ask to spoiler an image, etc.). These small infractions do not contribute to your formal written warning tally, nor to the watchlist or blacklist. 

4.1 Warnings + Watchlist

Formal written warnings will always come in the form of a DM from an admin, where you will be informed of the infraction and disciplinary action taken. If you have any questions about disciplinary action taken upon yourself or another user, you may ask an admin. Depending on the severity and privacy of the situation, they may be able to clarify things for you.

A user may be placed onto the watchlist depending on the severity or frequency of infractions. These users will always have at least one formal written warning. This list is private and helps the admin team keep track of potential trouble. Warnings will fall off of your account if there is storied evidence of improved behaviour.

4.2 Banning

The Cinnaverse reserves the right to server and / or species ban people who consistently or severely break TOS / rules. 

A server ban applies exclusively to the Discord server. If the admin team deems your continued behaviour inappropriate for chat, but not full species ban worthy, you will be server banned. You are not prevented from obtaining new Cinnas in any way, and you can still participate in the species via cinnaverse.net. This is essentially the final straw before a full species ban. Server bans can be temporary. In the case of a temporary ban, the length of the term will be disclosed in the admin’s DM.

Users who have severely broken the TOS / rules will be permanently species banned. These users are no longer allowed to buy, sell, or trade official Cinnas. In addition, any Cinnas they own at the time of banning are automatically voided. They are still the rightful owners of these designs, but they are no longer Cinnas. For further clarification, see “3. Voiding + Unvoiding”. Being species banned also means you will not be able to communicate with others in the group or participate in prompts and activities. You will be placed on the public Blacklist, alongside a summary of your behaviour. You may privately appeal this decision at any time, but you are not guaranteed a second chance at rejoining the species. 

Harassment, scamming, and other intentionally malicious action will result in an instant species ban and blacklist position.

4.3 Blacklist


Blacklisted users automatically have their Cinnas voided from the species. They can still obtain Cinnas secondhand, but they will also be voided. Additionally, blacklisted users are also prohibited from commissioning new official Cinnas from any users. 

Any attempts made by community members to enable banned users will result in an automatic watchlist position. Enabling banned users can look like any of the following:

  • Purchasing customs or adopts, waiting two weeks, then trading/selling/gifting to a banned user
  • Mediating trades/resales, in market chat, on Toyhou.se, etc. on behalf of a banned user
  • Holding Cinnas on your account for a banned user in order for them to evade voiding

We will not automatically take action if we find out you are friendly with a banned user. Admin team will only step in if we find evidence of any of the above behaviour.

Additionally, purchasing from or trading with a banned user in order to recover a voided Cinna is not grounds for any disciplinary action, unless we think you are doing it with intent to keep said banned user involved with group functions.

5. Designing Your Cinna

When designing a Cinna, make sure you have all on-site items necessary to give the Cinna the desired traits. (See “1.3 MYO Slots + Items”.)

Under no circumstances are Cinnas allowed to be based on hateful, bigoted, or controversial sources. They may not use iconography from hate-groups, sexually explicit imagery, or excessive religious or political commentary / parody. If we suspect any of these were used in a Cinna’s design inspiration, even if the Cinna was approved unknowingly, we will take corrective action.

We do not allow AI-generated or AI-assisted content.

5.1 Anatomy

Reference the available on-site visual guides when drawing your Cinna’s masterlist image. Cinnas with anatomy that strays too far from official references may be sent back with red-lining from an admin for correction.




5.2 Intellectual Property and IRL Inspirations

Cinna designs are allowed to draw inspiration from media, including but not limited to TV, music, movies, comics, books, games, and brands. Cinnas that resemble intellectual property such as these are marked with a badge on-site (Inspired Badge). Even Cinnas with partial inspiration will be marked. 

If a Cinna too-closely resembles the intended inspiration, it may be returned for corrections with suggestions from the staff. We encourage you to take creative liberties when designing a Cinna based on an established property. This is a grey area that is subject to approval by admins, and must be transformative enough to fall under Fair Use. 

As of September 10th, 2024, we are officially disallowing Cinnas directly based on real-life figures (does not include memorial or tribute Cinnas of relatives). This is for the sake of privacy and respect to the IRL figures. In the same vein, Cinnas based off of VTubers are not allowed. Cinnas already on the masterlist based off of real life figures or VTubers will not be affected by this change.

For Cinnas based on real-life relatives, pets, etc., we have a Tribute Badge, which will mark your Cinna as a tribute without disclosing any specifics for the sake of respect. Submit a claim through the site if your Cinna warrants a Tribute Badge.

5.3 Cinna + Non-Cinna Forms

When creating a Cinna version of a non-Cinna design (or vise versa), please respect and be aware of any relevant species and designer's Terms of Service. Cinnaverse staff do not take responsibility for users breaking other species' and designer's Terms of Service. It is up to owner discretion regarding the separation of Cinnas and their non-Cinna forms when reselling, trading, or gifting. The staff feels it is common courtesy to disclose non-Cinna forms alongside Cinnas. To ensure this, the masterlist will indicate if a Cinna has non-Cinna forms.

6. Commercial Use

You may not produce merch that is intended to pass as official Cinnaverse merchandise. Darkvvision and the Cinnaverse and reserves the rights to the branding of Cinnas for commercial use.

An individual users’ Cinna may not be used commercially unless you have explicit permission from both darkvvision and that Cinna’s designer, assuming it is not yourself. If granted permission, you may produce merch (mugs, stickers, hoodies, keychains, etc.) or utilize a design for personal branding (streaming, small business branding). Links to cinnaverse.net in some capacity are required for species credit, and darkvvision retains the rights to Cinnas as a species. 

If your Cinna has a one-off form, aka a non-species or non-Cinna form, that form may be used commercially with no further permissions from Cinnaverse.