Site News

โค๏ธ February Newsletter โค๏ธ

Posted 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 weeks ago by redcrowz

Feeling lovestruck, Cinnaverse? Whether it's new love, old love, platonic love, or lost love, we hope this season finds you well.

Many thanks once again from the entire admin team for the patience regarding this delayed update; the turn of a new year is always busy IRL, as you can imagine.

Without further ado, let's get on with it!


โ„๏ธ Banner โ„๏ธ

Our banner this month was made by the lovely FadedAndFriends , TechnoStinger , Yoshikage ! Thank you all so much for your awesome artwork!ย 

We'll raffle for next month's banner shortly!



โฃ๏ธ Cinnatines Art Exchange โฃ๏ธ

This year we are hosting our Cinnatines Gift Art Exchange to express love and appreciation for our community, as well as celebrate the month of February!

โฃ๏ธ If you would like to participate this year, please be sure to read the rules before submitting a form!

โฃ๏ธ The rules will be pinned in the announcements and event channels so they're less likely to be overlooked!

โฃ๏ธ Please make sure you have the time to finish this piece before the deadline! If you are unsure whether or not you will be able to finish on time, we suggest you skip this one. No hard feelings!

We wish everyone a pleasant February or Holiday and happy drawing everyone! โœจ

Submit to this form - FORM CLOSES MONDAY, FEB. 17 AT 11:59 PM PST



We have some lovely prompts for you all! Check them out here!

Our winner for Cinna of the Month is... Perry !ย 

As a reminder, you may choose to draw COTM Cinnas instead of NPCs for the Rarity Prompt!

We have TWO themes this month: Box of Chocolates ๐Ÿซ & Children's Programing ๐Ÿ“บ!
ย As always, submit designs to THIS gallery for your chance to have your design made official for free!ย 



We have a few traits that we'd like to draw your attention to! Check out the updates below:

bunny ears

Bunny Ears of any style are now allowed to be used with the use of a Golden Mead, but onlyย  if the Cinna is submitted for approval in March, April, or May (bunny season).

horns clarification

The "Horns" trait covers every hornlike appendage on the face! Think tertiary horns like rhinos, triceratops, etc.


As object heads have become more commonplace, we'd like to clarify that a Cinna's headย being an eyeballย will fall under the Beholder trait! Cinnas that already have this design feature will be updated on the ML accordingly.


As we strive to expand the creativity with which you can design a Cinna, the team has found that a few traits have become redundant. Mane (common)ย and UB: Hollow (rare)ย have been removed from the trait lists. You can of course still make Cinnas with these design elements! They will just no longer require traiting for the ML.

Cinnas that had Hollow have been compensated with vintage badges, which can be turned in for a Rarity Rune if you so choose by submitting a claim on-site.


As a quick update, trait art is still in the works! We once again thank Playdeadpossum for all of her hard work, and thank you all for your patience!



Less of a concrete update and more of an explanation for our lack of a January update, as well as a teaser of things to come!

The Cinnaverse has a rather bigย change coming, not to the species itself, but rather to the space we gather in! Given all of our IRL schedule conflicts, we needed to postpone the launch, because we want absolutely everything ready to go before we release it.

While our original intent was to fully keep things a secret, and then reveal it all in a grand flourish, we understand that some people may prefer an advance notice, so they can gear up and prepare for the changes being made. Therefore, just so everyone is aware, our Discord server will be changing before the end of the year. Consider this your first heads up!

ย Our current goal for finishing this project is August 2025.ย Hopefully that deadline will give Kenna and us admins time to get all of our ducks in a row so that we can have an awesomeย newcomers MYO event!

Hopefully this update is enough to chew on for now! If anything comes up between now and the proposed August deadline, we will be sure to let you know. We want this to be a smooth as possible!


As of time of posting this, say a Happy Birthday to the species owner, Kenna darkvvision ! Their birthday was just yesterday!

Aaaaand that is everything for this month! As always, if you have any questions about changes or new additions, you can ask us in #ask-the-staff!

Happy holidays and enjoy your few more weeks of winter! Lots of love. โค๏ธ



  • Banner by FadedAndFriends , TechnoStinger , Yoshikage
  • Cinnatines Exchange:ย 
  • Updated Prompts
  • Cinna of the Month Winner: Perry
  • Cinna of the Month Themes: Box of Chocolates ๐Ÿซ & Children's Programing ๐Ÿ“บ
  • Bunny Ears may be used with a Golden Mead during March, April, May
  • Horns covers every hornlike appendage on the face
  • Eyeball heads warrant Beholder UB
  • Mane removed as a trait
  • Hollow UB removed as a trait, compensated with a Vintage Badge
  • Trait Art update
  • Discord Update + Newcomers MYO Event on August 2025

โ˜ƒ๏ธ Snowball Smash Conclusion โ˜ƒ๏ธ

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by redcrowz

The Snowball Smash Point shop has been opened!

๐Ÿ˜ˆ The winning team is Team Naughty with a total of 279 points!

๐Ÿ‘ผ The Team Nice was swept with a total of 208 points! Overall, you guys have accumulated 487 points!

Even with this, people may submit to the gallery and redeem points until it closes at midnight, site time.

For Team Naughty artists who have participated, you have a choice of claiming either a Common Cinna MYO OR a Rarity Rune Bundle, so long as participation in the event is linked! Redemption will be done via the point claim prompt.

  • Link any piece you have uploaded for Snowball Smash.
  • Attach the item of your choosing in the "Rewards" section of the prompt.

Thank you so much for your participation! Please, whenever you have time, look through the gallery and appreciate everyone's work! We hope you all got wonderful art made by lovely artists of our community. Hope you had a nice Snowball Smash! :cinheart:ย 


As a note, after the Snowball Smash Point Shop closes, all points gained from the event will be wiped from your accounts and you do not keep them for next time. So buy and spend what you can while the shop is still open!

Another reminder will be sent out a day before the shop closes.

If you have any questions, let us know!

January Newsletter

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by Coffeebara

Hi, Cinnafriends! Happy 2025! Thank you for your patience on this update.

Speaking of the update... there sort of isn't one.ย Let me explain:

This new year has hit the admin team particularly hard. From cross-country moves, to pregnancies, to changing jobs, to falling ill, to pet troubles, we are, to put it simply, occupied.

While we initially had a sizeable update planned this month, we simply need more time to put it together. The absolute last thing we want to do is rush this one, as it'll affect the entire group moving forward. Nothing scary, we promise! All good things! And those good things will come... to those who wait.

For now, the monthly prompts have been updated, and the Snowball Smash event has come to a close. The Points Shop will open momentarily!

A massive thank you for ringing in the new year Cinna style. Check back on February 10th for a proper monthly update.ย 

โ›„๏ธ December Newsletter โ„๏ธ

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by redcrowz

Brr! Is anyone else cold, Cinnaverse? Let's get right into this update so we can get back to our cozy blankets and cocoa!


โ„๏ธ Banner โ„๏ธ

Our banner this month was made by the lovely psionicwarriors , koboldcourier , and Ereth2 ! Thank you all so much for your awesome artwork!ย 

We'll raffle for next month's banner shortly!



We have some merry prompts for you all! Check them out here!

Our winners for Cinna of the Month is... @fireicefoxboxlocks and ParrotParfait ! Very very funky!

You may choose to draw COTM Cinnas instead of NPCs for the Rarity Prompt as well!

The theme for this month is Gag Gift ๐Ÿ˜†ย ! As always, submit designs to THIS gallery for your chance to have your design made official for free!ย 


โ›„๏ธ 2024 SNOWBALL SMASH - NAUGHTY VS. NICE โ›„๏ธ


Written and hosted by redcrowz

THE Jist

Participants are split into two teams. Players "attack" people of the opposing team by making winter-themed art of Cinnas you choose belonging to members of the other team. You are free to use almost any style, so long as it fits the requirements of a colored fullbody. Your team receives points based on what you create for the other team with each attack.

The artist that receives the attack can then counter that attack by drawing a Cinna belonging to the person who attacked them, or pay it forward by attacking a different person on the other team.

At the end of the month, the team with the greater score wins!

But remember, while there are point scores, the real goal is to celebrate characters with your fellow artists.
Just like Art Fight, this event is about giving and receiving amazing art.ย 


โญ You are fighting for either the side of Naughty or Nice, much like Art Fight! Pick your team here and/or indicate it somewhere on your profile.

โญ You must draw gift art of someone else's Cinnas, preferably on the team you are against but friendly fire is allowed.

โญย Your piece must be winter-themed.

โญ For the sake of simplicity and the fact that Art Fight is not in-season for us to calculate types of art properly, only colored fullbodies will count as the minimum. There are add-ons though.

โญYou can only draw a Cinna once for it to count. You cannot draw the same Cinna again and have it count for points. This is to prevent exploiting simple designs to rack up points. We encourage you to draw a variety of people's Cinnas!

โญ Your entries will be counted at the end of the event and you will be given an appropriate amount of prizes for your effort. The winning team will get a bonus reward.

๐ŸŒŸ Rewards for will be a item point shop that may have some special presents for you all! A preview of the shop will be available during the event once it is set up. Points will be transferrable among users.

  • [REQUIRED] Colored Fullbody: 1 point
(can be nugget, chibi, fullbody, whatever size so long as it depicts all of the Cinna)


  • Shading: 1 point
  • Patterned Background: 1 point
  • Scenic Background: 3 points

Friendly Fire:

  • 50% of what applies to the friendly fired Cinna
As an example, an attack contains 6 flat fullbodies total on one canvas, 3 Cinnas belong to the opposing team, 3 Cinnas are friendly fire. You will get 3 points for attacking the opposing team, you get 1.5 points for the friendly fire (0.5 points for each friendly fire cinna) The attack is worth 4.5 total points.
  • Unfortunately, we do not have the means to autobalance teams. We do encourage you to keep the teams balanced when possible.
  • Switching teams in the middle of the event is not allowed. If we catch you doing this without switching back (in case of an accident), you will not be able to participate from the next Cinnaverse event. You may join whenever in the event, however.
  • If you have any questions, head to โ #โ“-ask-the-staff !
  • Mark the art with the depicted Cinna(s) and who it is for in the Characters and Other Participants sections respectfully.
  • Use the description below

Description Example:

  • Art Type(s) + Any Applicable Add-Ons: 3 shaded fullbodies with a patterned background
  • Total Points: 7 points
  • Artist Team: Nice






  • Appoint yourself to a team, draw at least a winter-themed fullbody Cinna from the other team, get points to win and get rewards!



Double and triple tail update

Double and Triple tails will no longer require an additional Rarity Rune / Golden Mead respectfully if involved in a rare / legendary tail fusion.

This means if you have a rare tail fused with Double Tail on your Cinna, that tail will now only require one Rarity Rune, not two.


Traits that utilize Unusual Body traits to mimic others are required to have both.

For example, if you have candy corn body spikes on your Cinna, that would require both the Edible UB trait and the Scaly UB trait.


Chimera does not require any Rarity Runes for Wild Faces for the other heads. The Golden Mead covering Chimera will cover the Wild Faces.

Cinnas with Chimera can now have dog and cat heads so long as the base Cinna anatomy matches the submission.


Updated trait art is still in the works!

We thank Playdeadpossum for all of her hard work, and thank you all for your patience!


๐Ÿ’พ Website and item Updates โ˜•


New borders are in season! These ones are done by darkvvision , GreaserDemon , and redcrowz !

For December's MYO Prompt's user border reward, you can choose between Wreathed (Nice and Naughty), Cookied, Winter Yule, and Festive Lights!

You get Snow Capped from participating in the Snowball Smash!



Hey, you may notice that your Cinna might get a new badge!

This badge, lovingly referred to as the /J Badge, will be awarded to Cinnas that intentionally loophole anatomy in favor of a joke!


Cinnabunny MYOs are being adjusted:

  • Cinnabunny MYOs will no longer allow you to create a Cinnadog, Cinnacat, Teacup, or Munchkin with the restricted Bunny Ears trait.
  • Cinnabunny MYOs will only be used to create a small Cinnabunny form.
  • With this change, Cinnabunny MYOs will decrease to $15 in the shop once they're in season.
  • Any pre-existing Cinnabunny MYOs and Carrot Preserves in inventories will be turned into Vintage Cinnabunny MYOs.
  • Carrot Preserves will be removed from Jericho's Wishing Well.
  • Bunny-eared Cinnadogs, Cinnacats, Teacups, and Munchkins are still allowed to be made with the corresponding MYO slot and existence of a Cinnabunny form.

Wereforms from Lycan Potions will now allow trait and color/ marking changes, essentially combining the functions of a Morpho Cookie and Magic Food Dye into one item for wereforms.

With this new function, the price of a Lycan Potion has increased from $10 to $20.




Look out for a BIG event coming this January that will welcome a plethora of new folks! Stay tuned!

Chaosi updates

Chaosi Eggs are still unavailable from the shop and prompts until further notice. Apologies for the delay!

Anatomy guide updates

The staff has acknowledged the inconsistencies with anatomical and species approvals over the past few months, and the staff plans on working on expanding on our anatomy guides to better stay consistent with approvals.

If you have any feedback or concerns as we refine our guides, feel free to let us know in however way possible. Thank you for working with us and apologies for the hassle!


That is everything for this month! As always, if you have any questions about changes or new additions, you can ask us in #ask-the-staff! Lots of love. โค๏ธ Happy holidays and enjoy your winter!



  • Banner by psionicwarriors , koboldcourier , and Ereth2
  • Cinna of the Month Winners: @fireicefoxboxlocks and ParrotParfait
  • Cinna of the Month Theme: Gag Gift ๐Ÿ˜†
  • Updated Prompts
  • Snowball Smash - Art Fight-esque event hosted by redcrowzย 
  • Double and Triple Tails don't require extra Runes / Meads if the fusion is already rare / legendary
  • Traits that utilize Unusual Body traits to mimic others are required to have both
  • Chimera does not require any Rarity Runes for Wild Faces for the other heads
  • Trait Art update
  • December Avatar Borders available through MYO prompt
  • /J Badge - New badge awarded to cinnas that loophole anatomy for joke reasons
  • Cinnabunny MYOs will no longer allow you to create a Cinnadog, Cinnacat, Teacup, or Munchkin with the restricted Bunny Ears trait.
  • Cinnabunny MYOs will only be used to create a small Cinnabunny form.
  • With this change, Cinnabunny MYOs will decrease to $15 in the shop once they're in season.
  • Any Cinnabunny MYOs and Carrot Preserves in inventories will be turned into Vintage Cinnabunny MYOs.
  • Carrot Preserves will be removed from Jericho's Wishing Well.
  • Bunny-eared Cinnadogs, Cinnacats, Teacups, and Munchkins are still allowed to be made with the corresponding MYO and existence of a Cinnabunny form.
  • Wereforms from Lycan Potions will now allow trait and color/ marking changes
  • Lycan Potions are now $20
  • Upcomingย  January event that will welcome a plethora of new folks
  • Chaosi Eggs are still unavailable from the shop and prompts until further notice
  • Upcoming anatomy guide refinement

๐Ÿ‚ November Newsletter ๐Ÿ

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by redcrowz

Things are getting colder around here, Cinnaverse! We have a fun update for you all this week!



This month's banner is brought to you by DizzyPossum , steakseed , and Wesker ! Thank you all so much for your awesome artwork!ย 

We'll raffle for next month's banner shortly!



We have some grateful prompts for you all! Check them out here!

Our winner for Cinna of the Month is... @gothricrift ! Check out their spooky entry based on their favorite scary movie, Us!

You may choose to draw COTM Cinnas instead of NPCs for the Rarity Prompt as well!

And as a reminder, everyone who submitted to the COTM theme in October will receive one Rarity Rune!

The theme for this month is Funkin Spice ๐ŸŽƒ ! As always, submit designs to THIS gallery for your chance to have your design made official for free!ย 



Written and hosted by GreaserDemon

Our annual Cinna Gratitude Gift Exchange event has come around this year again and sign-ups are now open!ย 
Like last year you will be designing one secret Cinnadog or Cinnacat for someone random!

Please be sure to read the rules before signing up for the Cinna Grat Gift Exchange!
If you have any more questions feel free to dm me anytime and I will get back to you asap!

๐ŸŒฐ ๐Ÿย  { R U L E S } ๐ŸŒฐ ๐Ÿย 

๐Ÿ”ธย  Please have your DMs open for this event so I can reach you
๐Ÿ”ธ I kindly ask that you respond or emoji my DM so I know you are ready to start designing.
๐Ÿ”ธ No Fandom IP / Music-Inspired Cinnas.
๐Ÿ”ธ You may only design 1 Cinnadog or 1 Cinnacat.
๐Ÿ”ธ Do not design a backup Cinna without me asking you directly.
๐Ÿ”ธ Do not show WIPs or the design to your partner - itโ€™s a surprise!
๐Ÿ”ธ You are free to get WIPs checked over by me if you want B)
๐Ÿ”ธ Dm me your finished designs with the traits and theme listed.
๐Ÿ”ธ You may use 5 rare traits including rare flavors. (Unusual and Savory use up 1 rare trait from 5.)
๐Ÿ”ธย  The hard deadline to turn in your design is the 28th. (18 days)
๐Ÿ”ธย  You have until the soft deadline on the 18th to drop out. (8 days)
๐Ÿ”ธ Be kind and have fun for this gift exchange everyone ~!

๐Ÿ‚ โœจ Cinna-Grat Sign Up Form

โ— OPEN till the 11th (Monday) till 10:00 AM (CET)


CAPYBACHA...2! - Nov. 18

Buck's annual November adopt event is back!
This year's Capybacha will be hosted Monday, November 18th. There will be 20-30 Buckling-sized designs for you all, with rolls at $45 USD.

Additional details will be available in a corresponding events channel! Keep an eye out this week.




As we have streamlined the process of creating and approving alternate forms of Cinnas in the recent years, it's high time wereforms join the ranks to finish out those quality of life updates!

Moving forward, you will no longer see "Wereform (Rare)" on a Cinna's individual trait list. Instead, a Lycan Potion must be used to unlock wereforms. Many people were under the assumption that this was already how it functioned, so hopefully there won't be too drastic of an adjustment period.ย 

Once you use the potion, your Cinna can have as many Wereforms as you'd like!

Wereforms are required to go through standard admin approval in order to be officially recognized on the masterlist.

The used Lycan Potion will be visible in your Cinna's inventory, much like badges, Magic Food Dyes, and Morpho Cookies! Yay, items!

Chaosmites Renamed to Chaosi

Since Chaosmites are canonically the babies of Chaosi, we have updated all the site terminology for clarity!


To update everyone on the masterlist sweeps, we are still looking over all Cinnas! (We have sooooo many Cinnas,ย  y'all....)

One of our current focuses is making sure IP Inspirations and Character Import Cinnas are properly labelled. If you own any cinnas that are inspired by an IP, or are based on your own original characters, please submit a claimย hereย under "IP-Inspired Cinnas & Non-Cinna Forms". This prompt can also be submitted for cinnas you don't own, as long as you're 100% sure of the IP inspiration / OC import.

What Qualifies As An IP Cinna + OC Import/EXPORT? (from nerdymacandcheese)

The definition has gotten a little muddy, but I wanted to clarify what we've officially decided makes a cinna an IP cinna.

  • Any cinna directly inspired by an existing character, song, show, etc.
  • Any cinna directly inspired on a moodboard / group of images that'sย intentionallyย based on / includes a specific IP.
  • Any cinna that includes a specific symbol / logo from an IP. (ie. Pokeball markings)
  • Any cinna based on an IP related dessert. (ie. Pokepuffs)

This criteria applies no matter how close your cinna looks to the actual IP. No cinna qualifies as "distinct enough" if the cinna was made to be directly inspired by an IP. A cinna cannot lose its IP label, but it can gain an IP label if a non-IP cinna is redesigned to be directly inspired by an IP. This also applies to OC Imports / Exports. OC Imports / Exports fall into a similar criteria.

  • Any cinna directly inspired by your own OC.
  • Any cinna meant to be an alt-form of your own OC
  • Any cinna that has non-cinna forms. (ie. Human Forms)

Updated trait art is still in the works! Here are the newest additions:

We thank Playdeadpossum for all of her hard work, and thank you all for your patience!


๐Ÿ’พ Website Updates


A feature has been added where users can black out site images that they do not wish to see, all uses of this image across the site will be censored for them (provided they use the same image URL on the site).

You may censor masterlist images and icons, user icons, items, and traits at the moment.

The widget is disabled by default. Users can enable the widget to block images at will. You can block however many images as you like then completely disable the widget for yourself, keeping the site "clean" of the button while retaining those censors for yourself.


Another feature has been added that allows for cosmetic borders around your icon!

All borders can be seen here. Borders can be changed in yourย settings.

Borders will be rewarded through MYO Prompts and Events. More ways to get borders will be announced accordingly!

For November's MYO Prompt's user border reward, you can choose between Pumpkin Slicedย andย Pumpkin Pied, both drawn by the lovely redcrowz !

There are more borders to come! Expect these to roll out over the course of the next year!


We're currently reworking Chaosi behind the scenes, so we will be temporarily taking Chaosi Eggs out of the shop and item prompt. You may still submit MYOs on hand or use them in the wishing well, and we will be back soon with news and updates. Check back in soon!


Transferring items is more streamlined: you may now type the user rather than scroll through the list of users to transfer an item.


That is everything for this month! As always, if you have any questions about changes or new additions, you can ask us in #ask-the-staff! Lots of love. โค๏ธ Take it easy this fall!



  • Banner by DizzyPossum , steakseed , and Wesker
  • Cinna of the Month Winner: gothicrift
  • Cinna of the Month Theme: Funkin Spice ๐ŸŽƒ
  • Updated Prompts
  • Gratitude Event hosted by GreaserDemon !
  • Buck / Coffeebara Capybacha November 18th!
  • Wereforms dictated by potion use, not listed as rare trait
  • Chaosmites --> Chaosi
  • Image Blocking Feature
  • New Avatar Borders - Borders claimed through MYO Prompts
  • Chaosi Eggs no longer in the shop and item prompt
  • Streamlined item transfers

๐ŸŽƒ October Newsletter ๐Ÿฌ

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by Coffeebara

Happy Spoopy Month, Cinnaverse! We have aย tonย of Halloween themed fun for you this week, including adopts galore! Let's jump right into this update!



This month's banner is brought to you by GrinningCrypt, deerSkullz , and Marsh0Metal ! Thank you all so much for your awesome artwork!ย 

We'll raffle for next month's banner shortly!



It's a fright delight! Check out the spooky scary prompts for this month!

Our winner for Cinna of the Month is... fruitofthestars ! Check out their adorable entry!

The Leaves Begin to Fall

Don't forget, you can choose to draw these Cinnas instead of an NPC for October's Rarity Prompt as well! As a reminder, everyone who submitted gets one Rarity Rune!

The theme for this month is Favorite Scary Movie ๐Ÿ‘ป! As always, submit designs to THIS gallery for your chance to have your design made official for free!ย 



If you haven't seen it already, darkvvision and poejangles have done a Poellab for a DTE (Draw to Enter) Raffle!

The requirements are:
FULLBODY โ€” Please make sure your drawing submission is a fullbody of the Cinna! Flat color is acceptable, but weโ€™d love to see shading! Make your entry as simple or detailed as you like, whether that be a simple fullbody or a full scene with character interactions! This will not count as extra points or anything, so no pressure.

One submission per person โ€” Again, weโ€™re not tallying extra points or raffle slots for anyone, so even if you draw 7 pieces, you may only submit 1!

Can't / Don't wanna draw? โ€” We know that some Cinna owners just like collecting pretty little food creatures to look at and/or make stories for, so as an alternativeย  entry, you can write a 500 word story for this Cinna!
We do urge drawings though as all the submissions will go into the gallery of this design for whoever wins the raffle!

Submissions will end on 10/30,ย  and the winner will be announced on 10/31 (Halloween)!
Tysm for participating, and weโ€™re so excited to see what everyone comes up with! Get scribblinโ€™!

๐Ÿ–คโœจ๐Ÿ–ค +ย ๐Ÿ–คโœจ๐Ÿ–ค


HALLOWEEN Adopt-o-rama

We have a sweet and spooky adopt event prepared for you all this month! This is a doozy, so be sure to read all the details to ensure you know when adopts will drop!

The admin team is shaking things up this year with 3 flatsale batches and 3 (or more :eyes:) auctions! These flatsales will include designs from all of the admins, and the auctions are collabs between admins!

Thursday, October 10th - Micro-Nugget Flatsales + Auction

Thursday, October 17th -ย Chibi Flatsales + Auction

Thursday, October 24th -ย Full Flatsales + Auction

All of the relevant info for the batch releases, the batches themselves, and the auctions will all take place in correlating Discord channels! (#, #, #, #)

In addition to this calendar of releases, Kenna might have some site-exclusive adopts going up in the month as well... Keep an eye out for those here on the LK!



We've been blessed this year with a whole hoarde of amazing guest artists! As you may know, there are more than a few open adopts, which can be found in #official-adopts and on the LK in UnsoldAdopts. To give the market some time to breathe and allow the open Cinnas a better chance to sell, we will be taking a break from GA terms for the remainder of 2024. When we start up again in 2025, there will be new guidelines in place to ensure everyone's adopts get the attention and time they deserve! Thank you all so much for your hard work, and we'll see you in the new year!


๐Ÿ’พ Website Updates

We've got a quick one for you all this time, so here's the rundown:


The site guides have been updated! Check out the sparkly new look of the joint. ;)


If you didn't see last week, @nerdmacandcheese cross-posted an announcement regarding some masterlist functions! You can read that announcement here!



If you are a regular in the Cinnaverse Discord, you may know about our little drawing game called The Claim Game! This is a fairly simple art game commonly found in other species servers, wherein you draw the Cinna of the person who posted above you, then send a reference of your own Cinna for someone else to claim. We have previously been fairly lax about the rules of the game, but as of late have received feedback that some entries have not followed the pinned guidelines. So here's a refresher!

Claim game pieces must be drawn fromย the hips up (aka halfbody), as well as fully colored.ย The pieces can be lined in whatever style you use, as long as the other two requirements are met. Keeping this standard of art in the game means no accidentally hurt feelings. Everything should be fair and fun!

In addition to the art rule clarification, keep in mind that you can only claim one Cinna to draw at a time, that it is common courtesy to edit your original post once you've completed your piece, and not to join the thread unless you plan to complete your piece(s) within a reasonable amount of time. The Claim Game should not be used as a mill for "free" art. Thank you all for understanding!


That is everything for this month! As always, if you have any questions about changes or new additions, you can ask us in #ask-the-staff! Lots of love. โค๏ธ Take it easy this fall!



  • Banner by Thiswyrmdraws , deerSkullz , and Marsh0Metal
  • Cinna of the Month Winner: fruitofthestars
  • Cinna of the Month Theme: Favorite Scary Movie ๐Ÿ‘ป
  • Updated Prompts
  • Halloween Adopt-O-Rama!
  • Draw to Enter Adopt ends 10/31
  • Guest Artist Break
  • New Guide Page
  • Masterlist Updates Reminder
  • Claim Game Rules Clarification


Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by redcrowz

written by nerdymacandcheese

Hello everyone! As our monthly update approaches, I wanted to come forward with a small update about our masterlist!

Vintage Badge Redemption

As of posting, all vintage badges have been granted to all applicable entries. A cinna may have multiple badges if they lost multiple rarities. Each badge is labeled with the specific trait that has downgraded in rarity. One vintage badge can be redeemed for one rarity rune.

Vintage badges that are labeled with multiple traits (ie. Slashers + Jaws) are errors on my end. I have done my best to correct these error badges, but some may have slipped through. If you have one of these error badges, they can be redeemed for two rarity runes, or however many traits are labeled on the badge.

Similarly, vintage badges may be labeled with multiple tail traits (ie. ZigZag Tail+ Devil Tail). These badges can only be redeemed for one rune, as rare tail fusions only require one rarity rune.

Please note that Chaosmites and Cinnapets have not received vintage badges as these subspecies do not require rarity runes to use rare traits.

Additionally, Cinnadragons and Cinnawyverns have not received vintage badges for horns and wings, as these traits have always been free to use for these subspecies. The vintage badge redemption prompt can be found here under "Item Redemption"!

What's Next? / How Can I Help?

Our next step in this project is identifying any cinnas that have IP Inspirations or are OC Imports. These were largely undocumented up until a few months ago, so any and all help is appreciated as we move forward.

If you own any cinnas that are inspired by an IP, or are based on your own original characters, please submit a claim here under "IP-Inspired Cinnas & Non-Cinna Forms". This prompt can also be submitted for cinnas you don't own, as long as you're 100% sure of the IP inspiration / OC import.

What Qualifies As An IP Cinna / OC Import?

The definition has gotten a little muddy, but I wanted to clarify what we've officially decided makes a cinna an IP cinna.

  • Any cinna directly inspired by an existing character, song, show, etc.
  • Any cinna directly inspired on a moodboard / group of images that's intentionally based on / includes a specific IP.
  • Any cinna that includes a specific symbol / logo from an IP. (ie. Pokeball markings)
  • Any cinna based on an IP related dessert. (ie. Pokepuffs)

This criteria applies no matter how close your cinna looks to the actual IP. No cinna qualifies as "distinct enough" if the cinna was made to be directly inspired by an IP. A cinna cannot lose its IP title, but it can gain an IP title if a non-IP cinna is redesigned to be directly inspired by an IP. This also applies to OC Imports / Exports. OC Imports / Exports fall into a similar criteria.

  • Any cinna directly inspired by your own OC.
  • Any cinna meant to be an alt-form of your own OC
  • Any cinna that has non-cinna forms. (ie. Human Forms)

That is all from me! Any questions or concerns with this announcement can be directed to โ โ“-ask-the-staff, or you can contact nerdymacandcheese directly in DMs! Wishing you all a lovely morning / afternoon / evening / whenever! โค๏ธ

๐ŸŽ September Newsletter ๐Ÿ‚

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by redcrowz

Good morrow, Cinnaverse! Got a shortie for you this month, so let's jump right into it!



This month's banner is brought to you by PsycheArt , mikeyway , and STRANGEENCOUNTER ! Thank you all so much for your awesome artwork!ย 

We'll raffle for next month's banner shortly!



It's fall, y'all! Check out the fun fall prompts for this month!

Our winner for Cinna of the Month is... rainer and FireIceFoxsBoxsLocks ! Check out their adorable entries!

The theme for this month is Fall Equinox ๐Ÿ‚ ! As always, submit designs to THIS gallery for your chance to have your design made official for free!ย 

As a new change, we are now rewarding a Rarity Rune for all participating Theme of the Month entries!

Don't forget, you can choose to draw these Cinnas instead of an NPC for September's Rarity Prompt as well!


๐Ÿ‚ Batcha + Raffles Galore!

Rory'sย  (GreaserDemon) personal gacha, known as the Batcha, is back for a second year! More details about that adopt batch will come closer to posting. Check out #artist-updates for updates from Rory!

We've got quite a few designs to raffle for you all this month! From donated past GA designs, to Pound redesigns, to community gifts, be sure to check out #๐Ÿฆ‹-giveaways-contests-raffles this month for your chance to get some free Cinnas!ย 



Please give us your feedback regarding our Cinna Adopt sales!

All responses are anonymous, and if you wish to give non-anonymous feedback, you can make a thread in our Discord Server or get in contact with an admin!



๐ŸŽย New Tail Tip Traits!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the scavenger hunt! We're glad people had fun following the NPCs along as the new traits were revealed. Speaking of those new traits...

Tail Tip is a new Trait Categoryย that, as the name states, changes the tip of the tail! You all are already familiar with some of these (Devil, Maverick, Harpoon, etc.), but now we have new ones to share!ย 

Mace - Trident - Rattle - Scythe - Pincer - Startrail - Split (which allows for two different tail tips!)

Alongside, Devil Tail is now Common!

These tail tips are now available to use with the posting of this announcement! Happy designing!ย 


๐Ÿฆท Trait Updates: Wild Classifications, NEW TRAIT ART, MAW + DEVOURER

During the recent masterlist trait sweeps, the team found that some animals' faces had been traited to 2-3 different categories. To help with traiting moving forward, masterlist admins and beta testers have a handy new list for you all! Descriptions of Wild Faces have also been updated for future reference.

Check the Wild Faces Here!

Alongside, we are introducing another Wild Face:ย Verminna!

Alongside, all trait art will be updated and drawn by Playdeadpossum !

Veminna encompases...

  • Any species of Xenarthra
    • Anteaters
    • Sloths
    • Armadillos
    • Glyptodonts
    • Megatheriums
  • Any species of Pholidota
    • Pangolins
  • Echidnas

If you have any questions about any classifications, let us know!

Secondarily, we as a community have seen a certain style of Maw tail become popular over the years: Maw tails that look like real teeth, rather than the default stylized points. Moving forward, these more realistic, mouthy Maws will need the Devourer trait, regardless of whether or not the tail is intended to be a functioning mouth. Previous instances of this trait combo will be grandfathered in on the masterlist.ย 


๐Ÿ’พ Website Updates

Cash Shop

The cash shop has been updated with a new look and some new features!

  • There's now a cart system for you to purchase multiple items at once!
  • From now on, your purchase history will also showcase your cash shop purchases!
    • You can also check out your PayPal invoices in this tab.


Items have been renamed for the sake of brevity!
  • Common Cinna MYO -> Cinna MYO
  • Miniature MYO -> Mini MYO
  • Magical Food Dye -> Magic Food Dye
To reduce item redundancy and clutter in our item catalog, we have also decided to grant everyone who had a Vintage Soupon, Vintage Foupon, and Vintage Defuncket a Universal MYO + the relevant consumable as replacement! Expect that to be granted soon.
As with any site update, if there are any issues, please let us know as soon possible!


โ˜๏ธ Terms of Service UpdateS

The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have been updated. Please give them a read and a refresher! Give a big thanks to Coffeebara for the Terms of Service overhaul especially!

With these updates, we also note the following additions and clarifications of the TOS.

Cinnas and Non-Cinna Forms

When creating a Cinna version of a non-Cinna design (or vise versa), please respect and be aware of any relevant species and designer's Terms of Service. Cinnaverse staff do not take responsibility for users breaking other species' and designer's Terms of Service.

It is up to owner discretion regarding the separation of Cinnas and their non-Cinna forms when reselling, trading, or gifting. The staff feels it is common courtesy to disclose non-Cinna forms alongside Cinnas, and the masterlist will indicate if a Cinna has non-Cinna forms.

IP / Media Based Designs

As a reminder, the Cinnaverse staff will decline any Cinnas based off of controversial figures and any sources that infringe upon our Terms of Service in any way.

As of September 10th, 2024, we are officially disallowing Cinnas directly based off of real-life figures (does not include memorial or tribute Cinnas of relatives) for the sake of privacy and respect. In the same vein, Cinnas based off of VTubers are not allowed. Cinnas already on the masterlist based off of real life figures or VTubers will not be affected by this change.

In terms of Cinnas based off real-life relatives, pets, etc., we have added a Tribute Badge to disclose Cinnas without disclosing specifics for the sake of respect. Submit a claim if your Cinna warrants a Tribute Badge.

We understand there are gray areas and nuance when it comes to these sorts of inspirations. The staff is open to look over any sort of inspiration sources and we will use our best judgement as deemed fit while following the Terms of Service. If there are any questions, let us know!

In general the Cinnaverse staff is working toward reworking and reformatting documentation regarding the species. If you have any suggestions or concerns about certain site pages, let us know!


That is everything for this month! As always, if you have any questions about changes or new additions, you can ask us in #ask-the-staff! Lots of love. โค๏ธ Take it easy this fall!



  • Banner by PsycheArt , mikeyway , and STRANGEENCOUNTER
  • Cinna of the Month Winner: rainer and FireIceFoxsBoxsLocks
  • Cinna of the Month Theme: Fall Equinox ๐Ÿ‚
  • Cinna of the Month entries now reward a Rarity Rune
  • Updated Prompts
  • Upcoming GreaserDemon Gacha
  • Upcoming raffles
  • New Tail Tips: Mace - Trident - Rattle - Scythe - Pincer - Startrail - Split
  • Devil Tail Tip is now Common
  • Wild Face Elaboration and Species Specifics
  • New Wild Face: Verminna
  • New trait art by Playdeadpossum
  • Maw Tail with detailed teeth warrants Devourer UB
  • Cash Shop Update
  • Renames: Common Cinna MYO -> Cinna MYO, Miniature MYO -> Mini MYO, Magical Food Dye -> Magic Food Dye
  • Vintage Soupons, Foupons, and Defunckets will be replaced in user's inventories
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Updates
  • Cinna's non-Cinna forms should comply with other species' and designer's Terms of Service
  • Reminder about disallowing controversial figures and sources
  • Disallowing Cinnas based on real-life people/figures
  • Tribute Badge for Cinnas based off of real-life relatives, pets, etc.

โ˜€๏ธ August Newsletter ๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by redcrowz

Good evening Cinnafriends! We hope this update finds you well. We have some exciting things this week that we hope you'll love! Let's get right into it.ย 



This month's banner was done by our friends Spook, Kouriander, and GummySprouts! Who doesn't love a good summer carnival. ๐ŸŽก As always, we'll raffle for the next banner artists after this announcement goes live!ย 



Cinnart Fight's point shop closes tonight.

Thank you both Teams Cinnamon Seafoam and Voidal Stardust for your wonderful participation! You both have fought valiantly, and we hope everyone has enjoyed the art and items they recieved!



These two lovely designs has won last month's Theme of the Month! Congratulations starspits and Almondlover ! All of these Cinnas have been made official and should be on your accounts. <3

Don't forget, you can choose to draw these Cinnas instead of an NPC for August's Rarity Prompt as well!

This month's theme is "Random Item Pool"! Design a Cinna that you feel fits that prompt and submit it to the gallery HERE!


โ˜€๏ธ August PROMPTS ๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธ

The MYO and rarity prompts have been updated for August! We can't wait to see what you create this month!


๐ŸŽจ NEW guest artists and pound guest artists ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ

The new set of Guest Artists and Pound Guest Artists has been selected!

Welcome to the GA team Coastette , StabbyStarSlime , and ParrotParfait !
And welcome to the PGA team Digital_Space , iAMย , and ophelisae !



We're happy to announce that this month (August 10th - September 10th), there is an on-site scavenger huntย you can participate in!

"Jeez! I can't believe I'd been so careless with such things... >_< This is sooo awkward..." Seems like HAL the PAL fumbled and scattered some data across the site... Looks like it's time to help her out!

How the scavenger hunt works is that you will be given a hint, and with that hint you will search the site until you see something out of the blue! Once you click on it, read the flavor text AND the next hint, click the link within the text to claim your item reward. Then seek out the next target with the new ย clue! It's recommended to go in sequential order, since there is a story! This hunt is not meant to be competitive.

Feel free to comment your findings in the event channel created for the hunt! Make sure to familiarize yourself with the channel's rules and formatting.



Our lovely resident jester poejangles is doing a gacha this month on August 31st!

The plan is to do 25-30 designs, and rolls will be $40 each. More info to come in a separate announcement come closer to time!ย 



A familiar shady saleswoman bat comes out of the shadows. She beckons you closer with a snicker. "Have some items you don't need?"

"Well... do I have the place for you! Head on over to Jericho's Magical Wishing Well! Trademarked... by me, of course." In a grand flourish, the bat unveils a stone structure in the depths of the alleyway, its presence filling the air with the sickening scent of sour candy.

With Jericho's Magical Wishing Wellโ„ข๏ธ, you have a chance to drop an item in the well of your choosing, and possibly get something in return!

"Come on... try it! It's not gonna bite..."

At least... that's what she claims. Due to Jericho's shady practices of Cinnamagic, who knows what could come out of that well...

Jericho's Magical Wishing Wellโ„ข๏ธ is an on-site activity that allows you to turn in one item per day and will give you a randomized prize in return. Prizes range from nothing at all to Golden Meads and even Dragon Eggs! Try your luck today!ย 
Item drop rates will not be disclosed, but we will notify you if any major changes are made in the future.



What's this?! A new Cinnapet has found its way into your Cinna's home! Who is this little critter?ย 

Theย Jellyboa, created by Playdeadpossum , is a hyper little rodent with a jellybean-shaped body and a long thin tail that ends in a traditional Cinna tail shape. With tippy toes and little hands, what's not to love!

A Jellyboa's favorite foods are extremely high in sugar content, which contributes to their hyper and jumpy nature. Watch out! They have been known to prey on Oozebuds due to their sweet makeup and slow movement.

Jellyboas, like all Cinnapets, can also have a Titan form, seen here in another sketch by Zero:ย 

With voracious appetites, Titan Jellyboas will eat anything and everything in an attempt to get their sugar content for the day. One Titan tends to reign over a large colony of smaller ones, who will collect sweet treats and hoard them for their leader. Titan Jellyboas also do a lot of structural damage to trees, buildings, and other hard surfaces, as they gnaw on things to keep their teeth from overgrowing.ย 

ย You can create Jellyboas of your very own with Construct Sugars, just like any of our other adorable pets.ย 


โ˜๏ธ TRAIT UPDATES โ˜๏ธ

We have a few trait changes going into this month!

Firstly, UB: Slime has been renamed UB: Sludge to cover more ground, such as oil, glue, and other sludgey materials!

Secondly, and most notably, we have decided to remove Alternate Palettes as a trait entirely.

After years of re-making visual guides, going case-by-case on approvals and still being unsure, etc., we've finally decided the best course of action is to not treat it like a trait at all, but like an item. Moving forward, a Magical Food Dye must be used to unlock any alternate palettes. The plus side here is once you use the potion, your Cinna can have as many palettes as you'd like! These palettes will not required admin approval unless you want them officially recognized on the masterlist, in which case you'll submit for approval like normal. The used Magical Food Dye will be visible on your Cinna's inventory on their page, much like badges.

We also want to let you all know that the masterlist staff has want ahead and given flavors to ALL Cinnas that were listed with "Needs Flavor". If you want to change a staff-given theme to one of your choosing, you can submit a claim.ย 

The masterlist staff will proceed with all of these changes accordingly. Thank you all for your patience!



The site has been recently updated to be up to date with newest version of Lorekeeper!
With this, it will continue to update as more features and fixes come out!

Here are important site-related changes:

  • Character rarities have been re-labelled as Sweet, Savory, and Unusual, leaving behind the three-star system
  • Cash shop price adjustments: Morpho Cookies, Magical Food Dyes, and Lycan Potions have all been changed to $10
  • Search characters by Awards
  • Forums have been removed due to lack of activity
  • More site themes incoming! Done by Buck!

Here are some site feature highlights:

  • Recent gallery submissions on the dashboard + gallery tab
  • Linking gallery links easier on Prompts
  • Designated profile pages for showcasing a user's masterlist art and designs
  • Hoverable icons on a person's profile on gift art and writing permissions
  • New encyclopedia layout
  • Comment likes and edit logs
  • Registering via Toyhouse
  • Two-factor authentication in your settings
  • Mentioning characters and users
  • General format changes and improvements for users and staff
  • Bugfixes
  • And more!

Nothing overtly drastic to heavily impact user experience, but we hope these additions improve your experience with the site. Alongside, we are always open to considering suggestions for further site improvements!

And as a reminder, all site help related prompts have been moved to claims!

With keeping the site more consistently updated with each Lorekeeper update, there is always the potential for bugs to be out and about, so please send in bug reports as soon as possible! Thank you!


That is everything for this month! As always, if you have any questions about changes or new additions, you can ask us in #ask-the-staff! Lots of love. โค๏ธย 



๐ŸŒŠ Cinnart Fight 2024 ๐ŸŒŒ

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by redcrowz

The waves ebb away, the twinkling void shimmers back into darkness... Maybe one day... a scene like this will happen again.

It's time to announce who won this triumphant battle...

๐ŸŒŒ The winning team is Void Stardust with a total of 8518 points! ๐Ÿ‘‘

๐ŸŒŠย The Cinnamon Seafoam was swept with a total of 6573 points!

Overall, you guys have accumulated 15,091 points!

For Void Stardust artists who have participated, you have a choice of claiming either a Common Cinna MYO OR a Rarity Rune Bundle, so long as participation in the event is linked! Redemption will be done via the point claim prompt.

Link any piece you have uploaded for Cinnart Fight.
Attach the item of your choosing in the "Rewards" section of the prompt.

Thank you so much for your participation! Please, whenever you have time, look through the gallery and appreciate everyone's work!

We hope you all got wonderful art made by lovely artists of our community. Hope you had a nice Cinnart Fight! :cinheart:


As a note, after the Cinnart Fight shop closes, all points gained from Cinnart Fight will be wiped from your accounts and you do not keep them for next Cinnart Fight. So buy and spend what you can while the shop is still open!

Another reminder will be sent out a day before the shop closes.

If you have any questions, let us know!


The cinnart fight shop has been opened!


Official Art Fight has been extended to August 3rd, which means Cinnart Fight will also be extended to this date!


Hello Cinnart Fight warriors! ๐Ÿคœ ๐Ÿค› As the battle comes to a close, it's time to announce your rewards! With the points you have been gaining from your attacks...

A shop will be open from August 3 - August 10 for you to purchase items!

These include MYOs, Trait Items, Dragon Eggs and Golden Meads!ย 

Prices are attached in the image and may be subject to minor changes as we see fit. See how many points you have through this link.

After the shop closes, your points will be wiped from your accounts. The winning team will also receive a choice of either a Common Cinna MYO or Rarity Rune Bundle, so long as participation in the event is linked! Redemption will be done via prompt. Keep battling on, Cinnafriends! :cinheart2: ๐Ÿ’ฅ


Hey Cinnanation!

It seems like a strange phenomenon has swept over all of the species this July...


In other words...

Cinnart Fight 2024 HAS BEGUN!

This event is meant to work alongside the official Art Fight if you decide to participate in it, but it's not mandatory! We wanted to give you guys something while Art Fight is on a good amount of people's minds.

Hope you guys enjoy, and happy battling!


The warm aroma of the Cinnamon Sea... The vast emptiness that is the void...



The Jist:

Participants are split into two teams. Players "attack" people of the opposing team by making art of Cinnas you choose belonging to members of the other team. You are free to use almost any style. Your team receives points based on what you create for the other team with each attack.

The artist that receives the attack can then counter that attack by drawing a Cinna belonging to the person who attacked them, or pay it forward by attacking a different person on the other team.

At the end of the month, the team with the greater score wins.

But remember, while there are point scores, the real goal is to celebrate characters with your fellow artists.
Art Fight is about giving and receiving amazing art.ย 


  • โญYou are fighting for either the side of Seafoam (Cinnamon Seafoam) or Stardust (Void Stardust), much like Art Fight 2024! Participation of the actual Art Fight is not mandatory but preferred. Pick your team here and/or indicate it somewhere on your profile.
  • โญ You must draw gift art of someone else's Cinna, preferably on the team you are against but friendly fire is allowed.
  • โญ Any finish, any medium, any size is allowed as long as you created it.
  • โญ Pieces will be valued by the official Art Fight's point system.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ You can only draw a Cinna once for it to count, and any repeat drawings will not count towards Cinnart Fight (they are still valid for Official Art Fight, though). You cannot draw the same Cinna again and have it count for points. This is to prevent exploiting simple designs to rack up points for rewards. We encourage you to draw a variety of people's Cinnas!
  • โญ Your entries will be counted at the end of the event and you will be given an appropriate amount of prizes for your effort. The winning team will get a bonus reward.
  • ๐ŸŒŸ Rewards for this event are a secret and will be revealed at the end via an update. This year, however, we will treat it more like Chaosmay in terms of reward scaling and prizes.


  • Unfortunately, we do not have the means to autobalance teams. We do encourage you to keep the teams balanced when possible.
  • Switching teams in the middle of the event is not allowed. If we catch you doing this without switching back (in case of an accident), you will not be able to participate from the next Cinnaverse event. You may join whenever in the event, however.
  • If you have any questions, head to โ ask the staff!





Requirements upon uploading:

  • Mark the art with the depicted Cinna(s) and who it is for in the Characters and Other Participants sections respectfully.
  • If participating in Art Fight, link the upload to Art Fight in the description box alongside the calculated point total for the piece according to Art Fight AND the team you, the artist, are on.
  • For people not participating in the official Art Fight this year, you may show a screenshot of the calculated point total rather than the link to the upload. You may have a another member of the server assist you if you happen to not have an AF account.

Description Example:

[link to Art Fight upload OR pasted screenshot of the point calculation]
Total Points: 75
Artist Team: Cinnamon Seafoam

Appoint yourself to a team, draw a Cinna from the other team, get points to win and get rewards!