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Cinnadogs are the most common inhabitant of the Cinna homeworld. The largest of the non-dragonoids, they resemble a bear and a mastiff, and are very tall and hefty. The paws and tail of a Cinnadog are quite large, and said paws cannot ever be tiny.  All Cinnas have incredible strength and ability to hold up their tails, which sometimes weigh as much as the Cinna itself or more.  

This species of Cinna averages at 8-9ft tall on their hind legs and can weigh around 1,500-2,000lbs. It is not unusual to see a very short or very tall Cinnadog, or a Cinnadog walking on all fours. Cinnadogs are omnivorous, and do not shy from eating food that they are magically connected to. Consuming enchanted sugar not only strengthens all beings like Cinnas and Cinnapets, but tends to be their favorite consumable.

They can have any trait associated with the species along with the correct items for MYOs. 


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Said to be the first born of Cyzzyzzyphos - though this is belief is contested with Cinnadragons - Cinnadogs are the most common of all Cinna species, and are naturally benevolent, lovable creatures. Like all Cinnakind, they share an affinity for magic, cooking, baking, art, and adventure. One will find Cinnadogs in all walks of life, accomplishing many a feat and attaining wild appearances through their grip on shapeshifting magic and sugar conjuring.

Since the possibilities for trait combinations are infinite, one will come across Cinnadogs and Cats that could be argued as their own subspecies. It is not uncommon - in fact, widely popular - for Cinnas to reach out to others that share trait similarities and unique combos in order to form communities.  Via the Cinnternet [currently in infant stages], connectivity is experiencing a boom like never before. Documenting all tail fusions, forming niche clubs, and logging history are widely indulged activities by all Cinnas.


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Cinnacats are large, stocky, catlike Cinnas with tiny paws and large tails. Their paws can be large like a Cinnadog's, unlike the other way around.  It is not uncommon to see Cinnacats walk on all fours, or have various body types and height differences, though they are often shorter than Cinnadogs.

They can have any trait associated with the species along with the correct items for MYOs.


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Cinnacats are the second most common Cinna in the world, and have many similarities to Cinnadogs. However, what sets them apart is their versatility and ability to utilize their magical shapeshifting ability to don Wild faces and unique anatomy in more tasteful and experimental ways. 

 Because of their small hands and stature, their dexterity and mobility is higher than that of Cinnadogs, so you'll encounter more practitioners of the alchemical arts among Cats. More Cinnacats conjure Cinnapets and alter their own anatomy than any other Cinnaspecies. 

Many famous scholars, mages, and artists are Cinnacats, and their work has gone on to influence many a Cinna's appearance and taste for magic arts. 


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Teacup Cinnadogs and Munchkin Cinnacats are the smallest of the Cinnaspecies. Teacup Cinnadogs are known for their comedically large feet, short bodies, and hyperactivity.

They are usually a foot tall max and do not weigh very much. Teacup Cinnadog paws cannot be small, like Munchkins. 

Like other Cinnaspecies, they can have any traits associated with the species along with the correct MYO slot items. 


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Their little bodies process sugar at an alarming rate, and this gives them a legendary reputation for being hyperactive, excited, and very curious creatures.

Because they are not capable of much physically, you will commonly see Teacups playing and relaxing. These Cinnas relish their freedom and recieve a lot of joy from purely existing beside their larger counterparts, and making connections. Some teacups attain massive power and influence.

Teacups and Munchkins can utilize magic to help them accomplish goals, as well as form unbreakable bonds with Cinnapets which - together - can do almost anything. 


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Teacup Cinnadogs and Munchkin Cinnacats are the smallest of the Cinnaspecies. Munchkins are known for their loaf like appearance, small feet, and rarity among Cinnakind. Because of their small feet, they are faster and more agile than Teacups.

Like other Cinnaspecies, they can have any traits associated with said species for the right MYO items.  


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Munchkins are a type of Cinnacat that are increasingly more popular to see around the Homeworld. This is due to their compact bodies, striking little faces, and dainty dextrous feet, which make for excellent canvasses to display traits and lush flavors.

A huge subculture exists for Munchkin fashion, and you will see many icons in entertainment, design, and pop culture among Cinnas, since they are not typically seen on expeditions or practicing magic.


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[Solo/feral ref coming soon]




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The Cinnabunny is a small rabbit-like species that only rarely makes an appearance during the springtime, when it becomes warm and green. They are the quickest of all Cinnas on foot, due to magical abilities that keep them just out of sight.
Bunny Ears come in some variations of common Cinna ear types; Flop, Droop, Point, Cropped, Curl, and Mixed. This exclusive trait is only found on the Cinnabunny and its respective alternate forms.

They are only available in the spring and can only have variations of the Legendary Bunny Ear ✮ type - but can have any Cinna tail, rare traits, or flavor the the right items for MYOs. 
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These mysterious bunnies are the only known Cinnas to don unnaturally long ears, and live in very secluded colonies deep within forests and underground, far from civilization. It is thought they emerge to celebrate some long held ancient holidays throughout the burgeoning spring, to which their secrets remain tantalizingly out of reach - unless you are personally invited to one of these gatherings. 

It is said that any who go searching for these festivities will be led along a trail of warm smells and joyous whispers just out of reach, until they become lost themselves. 

Cinnabunnies who have left these burrows and integrated with larger Cinnasociety often find themselves as local celebrities, talking figures, and draw some sort of mystical intrigue from other Cinnakind, as their folk are still largely a mystery. And they're not about to reveal these secrets.
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The largest and arguably most impressive of all Cinnaspecies, the Cinnadragon can reach incredible lengths, fly without the use of wings, and possess such awesome size and strength they become legends throughout time. Thought to be the closest species spiritually to the originator, Cyzzyzzyphos, and may have possibly come before all of their children. 

They can have any tails or traits for the right MYO items. They resemble both Cinnadogs and Cinnacats, and have varying paw sizes. 


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Considered ancient and revered by many Cinnas, these dragons are not too common in the world and often hold positions of status and popularity, and are widely met with awe whenever they make themselves known. Their natural magical ability is the strongest of all the Cinnas, and are born practically flying and manipulating their appearance, using breath weapons, etc., whereas it takes longer for most Cinnafolk to conjure and especially master the art.  

It is common to see Cinnadragons taking on the form of a smaller Cinnaspecies in order to better use accomodations and interact with the wider populace. Though Cinnadogs and Cinnacats cannot match the true size and scale of a real dragon, the right combination of features can give off what has been coined as a "psuedo-dragon" look, which has become very popular for Dragon fans, and Dragons who wish  to show off their might in a more modest way. 


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The second largest of the Cinna family, considered the other of two Cinnadragon species. Their faces resemble that of Cinnadogs and Cinnacats, but they can don Wild faces like all other Cinnas. They have massive front limbs which are almost always equipped with a specialized finger or spike, which extends into a wing. 

Wild ones are prone to dominant, aggressive behavior - though they are known to have become loyal friends, companions, leaders, and more. 

They can have any tails or traits for the right MYO items.


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Their native name - Cinnajhogre - comes from a faraway place, where their species was once more centralized. They are primarily feral, but it is not common to see them walking upright in a most intimidating fashion.

As solitary creatures, they are more drawn to nomadic lifestyles. Their size and mobility make for excellent travel along any terrain, suiting the most adventurous spirit or lonely wanderer.

Less inclined to use magic than Cinnadragons, these Wyverns prefer brute strength and sheer power, along with flavor-elemental breath weapons. 


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[coming soon]



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Chaosmite is a name given to a recently rediscovered species of chameleon-like beings that are said to be the native species of the now Cinna-dominant homeworld. They lived in isolation and bare many similar traits to Cinnas.

Echoes of Chaosma, these small reptoids have the same independently-moving aperture eyes, peculiar clawed mitten hands and feet, and most of all - an almost frightening similarity to the Cinnaspecies in all ways except their primordial connection to enchanted sugar and the grand Cyzzyzzyphos.

When making your Chaosmite, please keep in mind the following:

  • Chaosmites can have any tail seen on Cinnas.
  • They can have any rare trait, alt forms, palettes, etc. accessible to Cinnas, except Wild Faces, as their hands and face cannot change shape.
  • Though they have shapeshifting abilities, they cannot imitate other existing species fully. They can have any body type, and Chaosmites are born sizes similar to Cinnapets.
  • Not made of sugar, thus no flavor required 

You do not need to use Rarity Runes or Golden Meads for Rare and Legendary traits.


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These creatures are called Chaosmites when they are born, however, when they mature they are known as the Chaosi. This race of lizardfolk are incredible architects, magicians, tamers, and explorers. They have an affinity for research and preservation, forming new cities and bonding heavily with Titan Cinnapet wildlife in ways completely foreign to Cinnas. 

Colonies of Chaosi are very diverse visually, and groups of them can be found all over the world. Notably, a band of loyal knights has guarded the skeletal city of Cyzzyrran for millenia. Only recently have they made peace with the outside world, and allowed its use as a major historical site and place for all to come and bask in the heavenly energy. Cyzzyrran is one of the largest gathering places of Cinnakind, and a wonderful melting pot.

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Cinnapets are small entities composed entirely of sugar. There are five known kinds of Cinnapet: Oozebuds, Cinnagummies, Gummimandyr,  Chirtles, and Cinnabats. They may have any flavor and any traits associated with the Cinnaspecies as a whole, as they are alchemical in nature. 

Cinnapets also have wereforms. Oozebuds become Greater Oozes, Gummimandyrs become longer, and resemble celestial Cinnadragons, Cinnabat wereforms resemble Cinnawyverns, Chirtles become huge vessel-like behemoths with spiral shells, and Cinnagummies can take on a variety of shapes like their big fuzzy counterparts.
Cinnapets are available through all staff and Guest Artists, and may be made as MYOs with Construct Sugar - found in our shop. They do not have to be attached to another design.
Cinnapets have their own Masterlist, and may be sold and traded freely.
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It is not known when Cinnapets came to be, but it is rumored to be at least a couple hundred - maybe even thousand years - based on stories and the size of some still-living instances. Due to their nature as constructs, these sugary beasts were first made by Cinnas perhaps as homunculi or companions. That tradition carries on to modern times. 

Cinnapets that roam the wild are exactly the same as their small counterparts. However, exposure to enchanted sugar for prolonged periods - whether it be through consumption or natural influence - can cause a kind of advanced evolution into dangerous forms. 

These Titan Cinnapets come in a few size classes, and are often found roaming the overworld. In most cases, Titan Cinnapets become ravenous and more untamed with their growth, and have a high prey drive for enchanted sugar - this includes Cinnas, which many will attempt to hunt and eat. 

Chaosmites are unaffected by most Titan Cinnapet prey drives, and the two species have formed bonds that rival that of modern day Cinnas and their tiny pets. Some are known to ride titanic wyrms across the Cinnamon Sea, or cast swarms of giant shadows across the Chaosi Rainforest from the backs of Wyvernish Cinnabats. 


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These Cinnas are smaller than the Cinnadog, averaging at 3ft tall at the head and can weigh up to 300lbs. 
Due to the size of their legs and shape of their spines, they cannot stand upright, but are just as loving and animated as their bipedal counterparts. This species is considered the precursor to Teacups, and will be fondly remembered.

As of August 18th, 2020, Cinnaminis as a species will be retired and no longer available through official sales or guest artistry. 

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This badge is to celebrate the bittersweet retirement of Cinnaminis, who were the first species addition to our growing Cinnaverse.
Feel free to use this badge!

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