Wereform (Rare)
A Wereform is categorized by a transformation into a another version of said Cinna. Its traits may change or remain hidden as long as they are listed on the Masterlist, and their tail cannot change without a Morpho Cookie.
The Cinna must visually resemble its non-were counterpart to an extent.
A Lycan Potion allows each species form of a Cinna to have its own unique Wereform, where only [1] one max is allowed for a Cinna without the use of this potion. To give a Cinna it's one wereform without the potion, you use a Rarity Rune.
How do I design a Wereform?
Wereforms are Rare traits that allow a Cinna to shift into an altered version of itself. Often times these forms are bigger, and have changed or additional details, like an evolution. It must somewhat resemble non-were design, and is not to be used as a MYO slot for a new Cinna.
- can add or remove traits but they must be listed on Masterlist
- can have different colors, changed markings
- can change species as long as you have a MYO slot for that other species. (NOTE: This doesn't use up the MYO slot, it will use up a rare trait, but the other species must be one that Cinna has access to already.)