Profile GA-09390: Weezer

Owned by 186lilly

apart of the gaming club

Personality: Despite being picked on constantly, Weezer is actually pretty snarky and has a hell of a sense of humor. His weakness is his crippling lack of confidence. Instead of standing up for himself and being the top dog he should be, he hides behind his books and music. When he feels accepted in his circle of friends, however, he becomes the light of the party. His wit and snark knows no end.

Likes: live music, science, advanced math, literature, punk rock, alternative, techno, pretty girls, pokemon, skyrim, trove, glitter

Dislikes: social media, hip hop, photographs, idiots


  • His glasses are actually just for show. No one knows why he likes wearing them, since they make him look more nerdy, but he loves them.
  • If you ever wanna make him happy, take him to a concert. He'll be your best friend.
  • He knows preps are idiots, but likes looking at them anyways.
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for link requests