Anatomy Help

Created: 26 January 2024, 12:48:36 MST
Last updated: 12 February 2024, 15:58:06 MST

Cinna Anatomy HELP

This page serves as a supplemental guide to help artists properly follow Cinna anatomy! This is particularly relevant when submitting MYO designs, redesigns, and reference art updates to the masterlist for approval. 

The Cinnaverse is an art-based group which strives to foster creativity and fun with a focus on character design, and which is host to a wonderful  variety of unique art styles! We are also a closed species, and with that comes a basic anatomical framework that Cinnas should adhere to.

Cinnas have been around for over a decade, and their core, basic anatomy has remained constant throughout.

Below are the most recent guides by the lovely darkvvision !

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Cinnas pull inspiration from bears and tibetan mastiffs

- Stout and stocky base anatomy
- "Shovel"-shaped front paws
- Both bipedal and quadrupedal
- Can be drawn digitigrade or plantigrade
- Canine facial features
- Big fluffy tails!

cinnas are NOT regular anthros / furries!

We love furries here! However, Cinnadogs have a stylized anatomy that makes them stand out from regular furry / anthro designs. These key differences are detailed visually in darkvvision's species guides above, and we'll go into more detail down below.

Masterlist images must adhere to our species anatomy. With that said, we are not  interested in policing all of your extra, non-reference art pieces for anatomical accuracy. We want you all to be able to enjoy your Cinnas and draw them however you like, as they are your characters! (The only exception to this may be group-wide events that require submission approval through the site.)

BODILY anatomical errors

An MYO Cinna designed on the cute dog base below would be rejected for the following anatomical errors:

- Paws and forearms are too small and thin
- Thighs and torso need to be chubbier / wider / rounder: Cinnas are heavyset! 


The edit illustrates proper Cinnadog anatomy by making the necessary changes to the paws, thighs, and torso - and of course by adding the giant tail!

NOTE:  ALL Cinnas are heavyset! As the species has progressed, Cinnas with variations on the base body type have of course come up (i.e. muscular bulky vs fat bulky), but at the end of the day their stocky base anatomy is an essential part of what makes them Cinnas and not just a regular anthro. If a submitted MYO design is ruled too thin by the admins, it will be sent back for corrections. 

Above is a nifty anatomical lineup reference for furries.

If your proposed masterlist image is denied and sent back for corrections, something may have fallen into the red category (Type A / Type B). This is what we colloquially call a "regular anthro/furry".


- Overall stockiness
- Length of back / lower legs
- Paw size in relation to head and / or wrist
- Humanoid hand paws

In cases like these, one of the admins may red-line (sketch on top of) your piece to help you adjust the anatomy accordingly! We are here to help in any way we can!


Cinnadog paws + wrists

Cinnadog paws are MASSIVE - as big as their heads, if not bigger!

(See Cinnadog 2023 guide at the top of this page.)

They also tend to lack a visual wrist. If / when there is a wrist, it is very wide, most commonly the width of the forearm.


Whether drawn with 5 fingers or 4, Cinnadog paws must stay large, plush, and rounded (unless affected by Slashers trait).

As a general rule, the more humanoid a hand paw is on a Cinna, the less likely we are to approve it without art corrections.



Conversely to Cinnadogs, Cinnacats usually have SMALL paws. This is not a hard and fast rule! Cinnacats can also have big chunky paws, especially if you want to design a lion, tiger, etc. All Cinnacats have claws, even if they are not visible.

(See Cinnacat 2023 guide at the top of this page.)

Just like with Cinnadog paws, the more humanoid a hand paw is on a Cinnacat, the less likely we are to approve it without art corrections. 

Some commentary on the sketches above:

- The first is much too humanoid, with thin, tapered, human fingers. Even with the wide palm and relatively short fingers, this would not pass.
- The second is still very humanoid, but is wider / rounder / chubbier overall. Cinnacats with these paws may or may not be approved (case-by-case).
- The third still keeps the individual fingers and overall hand size, but has obviously strayed from the detailed humanoid anatomy. These will be approved.
- The fourth is the most common for Cinnacats; super stylized, super round, and may or may not have a defined wrist. These will be approved.

Wrapping Up

Thank you for reading through this guide! As a final note, we admins would like to say that we are not at all targeting any one particular artist, or art style, with the publishing of this guide - there are a variety of factors that contributed to its creation. We aim to help newcomers and established community members alike!