Created: 10 January 2024, 15:28:55 MST
Last updated: 20 October 2024, 14:50:32 MST

The NPC’s

We have a few NPC’s for you to choose from to draw in your prompts, you can draw one or multiple of them in your prompts - especially for the more celebratory prompts! Feel free to interpret their personalities as you wish / headcanon and have fun with them as long as they are not being drawn inappropriately!

Cinbun - HE/HIM

  • The Mascot, well known for representing most of cinnakind! 
  • He’s got a very big heart and a very jovial fellow indeed wanting to spread the joy
  • Cinbun has been through a lot of iterations over the years and every now and again changes his appearance to stay fresh like his dessert~!
  • His partner is Hunbun

Hunbun - THEY/THEM

  • Hunbun is a sweet soul with a love for cinnamon rolls dipped in honey, often seen enjoying them with Cinbun
  • Is partnered with Cinbun and often buzzes their tiny wings in excitement seeing him
  • Sometimes their antenna attracts insects and cinnapets alike with their sweet scent
  • They are a more laid back cinna taking things easy!

Coppa the Cinnacopper - HE/HIM


  • Coppa watches over the Cinnaverse, often apprehending naughty Cins that don’t abide by the laws
  • “HEY, get down from there!! You’re under arrest for breaking the laws of physics!” 
  • Coppa enjoys a wide variety of flavoured donuts
  • Probably thinks pineapple on pizza is a crime against nature due to sweet and savory conflicts

Cookie Papa - HE/HIM


  • Cookie deems himself a dad to most and often takes in lost and abandoned Cinnas and pets alike
  • He’s very protective over his kids and no matter how much Cinbun may protest, you’re never too old for hugs from dad if you’re having a bad day
  • He can be a bit prideful sometimes, but when you have so many kids and helping them stand on their feet again, wouldn’t you be?
  • You can tell he’s around by the scent of freshly baked cookies and warm air surrounding him

Seaward the Park Ranger - HE/HIM


  • Seaward is a certified park ranger in the realms of the Cinnaverse
  • He has such a deep connection to nature, that he can speak to the creatures that roam and understand them on levels most Cinnas cannot
  • On his days off, there’s nothing more he enjoys than a hot cup of coffee before strolling out to his woodland friends
  • Wherever he goes, nature isn’t too far behind and he greets each and every one with a smile upon his gentle face
  • His partner is Harbor!

Redwood the Cinnapet Researcher - HE/HIM


  • This sealion Cinna takes note of all the cinnapets that roam the Cinnaverse and studies them
  • He’s often seen helping Seaward, his partner, rescue cinnapets - especially where Seaward cannot reach them
  • The pets names from left to right: Sheye, Wyrm, Este, Baloo
  • His sealionesque features means he has a very high affinity with water, making him a strong swimmer

Jericho the Shady Cinnasalesman - SHE/hER


  • Jericho is a very shady saleswoman that appears on occasion to peddle her wares, including cursed and forbidden items
  • Coppa still hasn’t managed to catch her because somehow she always manages to vanish into thin air
  • She is very mischievous, but genuine enough that he never scams his customers - just provides the weirdest items
  • How does she keep getting her hands on these wares…



  • Vanta is known for helping cinnas who have lost their flavors to the void regain their love of life again!
  • Not much is known about them as they are often quite the mystery themselves
  • Do they even have a flavour or victim to loss of flavour themselves? 
  • They have good intentions at heart, even if they may look a little spooky sometimes

King Rando Lord of Tails - HE/HIM


  • He hails from a far away land and is the only Cinna to ever have a completely flexible tail!



  • Cinnapedia is an ancient, solitary wisdom deity that spends most of his time journaling and note taking.
  • He resides in a secret library that is said to only open for only 24 hours every millennium.
  • His library contains thousands of hidden secrets about cinnakind... too bad he doesn't have many friends. It seems like modern cinnasociety doesn't even use books anymore!
  • After SOMEHOW sneaking into his library, Cinnapedia took a liking to HAL. At least someone appreciates his knowledge...



  • HAL the PAL (HAL for short) is the little helper that lives in the website you're on right now!
  • He always loves to help, and she loves to help so much that it ends up crashing the website... Whoops!
  • HAL loves organizing and making things easier for everyone! She loves bouncing around in code making sure the website is in tip top shape!
  • He's close friends with Cinnapedia and very much appreciates all the knowledge he's got!