BonBons are a small rabbit-like species that only rarely makes an appearance during the springtime, when it becomes warm and green. They are the quickest of all Cinnas on foot, due to magical abilities that keep them just out of sight.
Bunny Ears come in some variations of common Cinna ear types; Flop, Droop, Point, Cropped, Curl, and Mixed.
They are only available in the spring and can only have variations of the Legendary Bunny Ear ✮ type - but can have any Cinna tail, rare traits, or flavor the the right items for MYOs.
They are only available in the spring and can only have variations of the Legendary Bunny Ear ✮ type - but can have any Cinna tail, rare traits, or flavor the the right items for MYOs.
These mysterious bunnies are the only known Cinnas to don unnaturally long ears, and live in very secluded colonies deep within forests and underground, far from civilization. It is thought they emerge to celebrate some long held ancient holidays throughout the burgeoning spring, to which their secrets remain tantalizingly out of reach - unless you are personally invited to one of these gatherings.
It is said that any who go searching for these festivities will be led along a trail of warm smells and joyous whispers just out of reach, until they become lost themselves.
BonBons who have left these burrows and integrated with larger Cinnasociety often find themselves as local celebrities, talking figures, and draw some sort of mystical intrigue from other Cinnakind, as their folk are still largely a mystery. And they're not about to reveal these secrets.

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