Masterlist Image Requirements
The correct masterlist image shows what we ask for:
- a transparent fullbody of just the character
- no tail references, extra closeups, writing of any sort that is not a watermark, flavor/theme references, and the like
- a non-obstructive watermark
- thumbnail image cropped to the head
The incorrect masterlist image shows:
- a non-transparent background
- tail, head, color palette, text references
- an obstructive watermark
- thumbnail image is NOT cropped
Please keep your image at or under 2000 x 2000 pixels and 72 dpi in order to prevent uploading errors. Thumbnails must be 200 x 200 pixels and 72 dpi and cropped to the character's head.
We also ask that your reference is a transparent fullbody of just the character. No tail references, extra closeups, writing of any sort that is not a watermark, flavor/theme references, and the like. We also ask you to not use a watermark that obstructs the majority of the image.
You can upload proper references in the character's gallery after approval.
Submitted By redcrowz
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago