Official Designs (OFF)Cinnadog★☆☆ ・ Green Witch Cupcake

Profile OFF-01253: Devin

Owned by GreaserDemon


~ One of my cinnasonas ~

Devin | Male ♂ (Any Pronouns) | Ancient/Deathless (Visually mid 20s) | Lich/Witch/Entity | Quoi-Homosexual | Single

> Lich / Witch / Unknown Eldritch Entity from who knows
> Specializes in Necromancy, Plague/Rot and Poison Curse/Magic
> Flexible with form, age, gender etc. can morph into anything he wants
> Phases through walls and rots the wall around him every time
> Plagues the ground or water he walks / swims through
> Nicknamed the 'Plague' or 'Death' bringer througout history
> My deadlist and meanist antagonist of my general OC universe
> In an Avant Garde Metal band with Andrew, Zolani, Sam and Louis
> He adores Legion, a dangerous demon currently being detained
in a underground non-mortal penitentiary for ten years now
> Best friends with DD and Andrew primarily

[ His design is not based on but tied to my Humanoid (Entity/Witch) Sona Devin ]

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