Official Designs (OFF)CinnadogSweet ・ Blue, Yellow & Purple Tie-Dye Cake

Profile OFF-01570: DD

Owned by Thalliumfire

~ Punk ass jerk but also a genius ~

> The most intelligent character I have despite his bratty egocentric teenage boy behaivor 
he is like this because he can't be physically injured so he's developed a 'god-complex'
> Although he's highly intelligent, socially he is terrible and tends to ruin relationships quickly 
> He surprisingly has two boyfriends, Colby (pending cinna form) and Nimuel 
> Has an affinity for Spiders and Bats
> His three pet spiders are Brambles, Pebbles and Bubbles
> Pending mild revamp with horns by Fever (On Queue) 

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