October 2024 Draw-To-Enter
Opened: 4 months ago ・ Closed: 3 months ago
The requirements are: FULL BODY — Please make sure your drawing submission is a full body of the cinna! Flat color is fine but we’d love to see shading! It can be as simple as a redraw to a background scene or interaction with your cinnas + NPCs! (This will not count as extra points or anything so no pressure!) One submission per person — again, we’re not tallying extra points or raffle slots for anyone, so if you draw 7, submit 1! Cant/Dont wanna draw? — I know there’s some cinna owners that just like having pretty little food creatures to look at and make stories for SO you can alternatively write 500 word storyline for this cinna! (YOU CANNOT TO BOTH DRAWING AND WRITING TWO SUBMISSIONS DONT COUNT) We do urge drawings though as all the submissions will go into the gallery of this design for whoever wins the raffle! Drawing ends on 10/30, the winner will be announced on 10/31 AKA Halloween! Tysm for participating and we’re so excited to see what everyone comes up with! Get scribblin’!