Avatar of ReginaldOnRailsSnow Capped Avatar Frame
8 July 2024 (7 months ago)
Hello, my name is Rene, but everyone call me Regi. My pronouns are he/him

I am retired railway worker, on long-time disability pension.
Awkward furrycat existence from small country in the middle of Europe, called Czechia.
Learning Vietnamese, Spanish, Finish and German, future multilingvist.
Tomato and mozzarela lover, PokémonGO and minecraft player.
Slave of two amazing cats.
I am not an artist, just procrastinator with drawing hehe
Love doing art trades so hit me up if you want one. 

No awards earned.

Characters / NPC / Official / Official Artist / Guest Artist / MYO / Cinnapet / Chaosi / Void

Thumbnail for MYO-14584: Reginald
MYO-14584: Reginald
Thumbnail for MYO-14724: Dino
MYO-14724: Dino
Thumbnail for MYO-14105: Cyro
MYO-14105: Cyro
Thumbnail for MYO-14557: Creamy
MYO-14557: Creamy


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