Cyzz Appears! A dream has come to a local Cinna, wherein the great and powerful Cyzzyzzyphos asked them to demonstrate the true spirit of Cinnakind, so that we may be blessed.
We humbly request Cinnas leave offerings of enchanted sweets and foods for the Great Wyrm in hopes of his appearance for a Three Stage Boss Fight, where you will win prizes for your art.

Event Calendar
We have a roadmap for this year all laid out! Check in on upcoming prompts, banner selections, shop drops, and other possible small updates at the top of the server directory. We are so sorry for the threads in the top section, once completed, they will remain inactive and not a bother. You simply have to leave each one once. π We are currently adding a slew of fresh prompts to the calendar between breaks, don't mind us.

Redesign Guide Update Teaser
More relief to come as we reveal our new guidelines for getting your redesign approved, as well as a new detailed graphic which will help us both when it comes to the case-by-case nature of masterlist updates. This new guide is currently undergoing polishing, and will be revealed sometime this month! If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don't be afraid to let us know.

Thank you all for your time and patience, we can't wait to see what you have in store this year!