๐Ÿ€ March Newsletter ๐Ÿ€

Posted 4 days ago :: Last edited 2 days ago by Coffeebara

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! 'Tis the season forย bunnies!ย This year, however, we have a big and egg-citing change that we'll get into down below. Onwards to the update!


๐ŸŒฑ Banner ๐ŸŒฑ

Our fantastic banner this month was made by Lvsu, Springstrike, and Kouriander ! Thank you all so much for your awesome artwork!ย 

We'll raffle for next month's banner shortly!



Prompts have reset for March! Check them out here!

Our winner for Cinna of the Month is... rainer!ย 

As a reminder, you may choose to draw COTM Cinnas instead of NPCs for the Rarity Prompt!

Our theme this month is Good Luck Charm ๐Ÿ€!

ย As always, submit designs to THIS gallery for your chance to have your design made official for free!ย 


๐Ÿงน Discord housekeepinG ๐Ÿงน

Our first order of business this update is to address a recent trend in the Discord server; as of this update (3/11/25), Trait Checksย should not be submitted to the #ask-the-staff channel.

The Ask the Staff channel was always intended for people to ask admins for help,ย  whether that be help with the site, lore inquiries, or even requests to DM admins for more private concerns. These types of questions still come in, and are promptly answered, but we as a team have noticed that the channel is trending towards turning into a sort of halfway-approvals ground. We completely understand that sometimes you may have questions regarding traits, and wanting an "official" opinion on your Cinnas' proposed traits is not inherently bad! However, simply sending in a design and asking the admins to trait it for you is not going to be accepted anymore. We'd really like to encourage you to use the visual trait index on the Lorekeeper site to trait your Cinnas on your own. If you have specific questions regarding how to draw a trait, how many items a specific tail fusion requires, etc., those can all still be submitted to that channel. Finally, feel free to ask around in #art-development-and-advice for trait input as well!

On the whole, sending a Cinna in for approval should not be seen as a pass-fail system! If a Cinna's approval is sent back for revisions, it does not mean you have Failed To Cinnadog Correctly - it's truly no biggie at all! The admin handling your submission will alwaysย provide notes on what to change, and there is no limit on how many times a submission can be sent back and forth before it's eventually approved. We have really good turnaround times for admin correspondence - it should not take longer than 3 days to hear back about your submission. If it does, we are likely reviewing it as a team or an active admin is away for IRL business. We're all human, after all! Thank you all for understanding.



It's been a while since we heard about our scaly friends the Chaosi...

After getting some clarification from Kenna about what his original intention for Chaosi were, we talked at lengthย about the future of this elusive species. (When I say at length, I mean it - we ended multiple admin callsย stillย undecided about them, LOL.) After animatedly debating what to do with Chaosi, we finally reached a conclusion the likes of which the Cinnaverse has never truly seen before:

Chaosi are now an Open Species!ย 

Just in case you're new to the scene, or perhaps would benefit from a refresher on Online Species Terminology TM, making Chaosi an Open Species means you are free to make as many Chaosi as you want - anytime, anywhere! All we ask is that you submit them to the masterlist for approval in order to call them Chaosi. They are a part of the Cinnaverse, after all!

The only things you need to list when submitting a Chaosi for approval are their flavor/theme and their tail traits. The iconic Hefty Tail is a big part of what visually signals a Cinna as a Cinna, and Chaosi still fall under the Cinnaverse umbrella. ๐ŸŒ€ Chaosi have access to all common and rare traits for free! If you'd like a legendary trait, you may apply a Golden Mead to your scaly little weirdo. ๐ŸฆŽ

Now let's address the egg-shaped elephant in the room: "What do I do with my Chaosi Eggs?"

Admin Buck is kicking himself as he writes this, because Chaosi no longer require the Chaosi Egg item to be submitted for approval. The currently existing Chaosi Egg item will be relabeled as a Legacy Item, meaning it is no longer usable. It will not be automatically removed from your inventory, however. If you'd like some sort of compensation for your eggs, as they did once hold value, you may submit a claim through our claims page under the Item Redemption prompt.ย The conversion will be:

  • Rarity Rune = 1 Egg
  • MYO = 5 Eggs
  • Golden Mead = 7 Eggs

As a final note, the written info for Chaosi in the World tab has been edited a smidge to reflect the new changes. Go there for a refresher!

We hope this inspires everyone to create even more Chaosi!ย 



After discussing recent feedback, we bring you a big update for bunny season that we feel really helps to integrate Cinnabunnies into our current species framework. Drumroll please... ๐Ÿฅ

Introducing: Cinnabuns and BonBons!

๐Ÿ†• Cinnabuns are a new, distinct subspecies of Cinna that are traditionally upright, anthro, and large - think of them as the Cinnadog/Cinnacat of the bunny world!

Many Cinnas that currently exist on the masterlist are Cinnacats/Cinnadogs that have stylized anatomy intended to make them more bunny-looking (long hocks, rounder nose bridge, protruding teeth). Those Cinnas will now be grandfathered in as Cinnabuns! Congrats on the promotion! ๐Ÿค

Refer to our shiny new visual guide (made as always by the lovely darkvvision) for some examples of anatomical differences between Cinnabuns and the other large subspecies.

๐Ÿฌ BonBons (name provided by @dios-donuts) are cinnabunnies as we previously knew them - same thing, different name! Think of them as the Teacup/Munchkin of the bunny world!

All Cinnas that were already listed as "Cinnabunnies" on the masterlist have been renamed to "BonBons". This means there are certainly stragglers who need to be relabeled! Give us some time to do a ML sweep, but if a few weeks go by and you notice that some of your Cinnas still seem to be mislabeled, feel free to send in a ticket and we'll judge them case-by-case. ๐Ÿซก

Please refer to last year's visual guide by darkvvision for an anatomical reference for BonBons! The text has been edited to reflect the new name.

Both of the bunny subspecies are now available to buy as MYOs via the shop! These items will cycle out alongside the June update, so get them while you can!

cinbunbundle.pngcinbunmyo.pngbonbonbundle.png bonbonmyo.png

In addition to the MYO items coming back in stock, you may also make either bunny subspecies for your monthly MYOs this season! Go catch those three free bounding bunnies!

Some more details about bunnies, as questions may come up during designing or approval stages:

  • In order to use a Bunny Ears trait on a non-bunny subspecies, you must submit and approve a bunny form first, whether that be a Cinnabun or Bonbon. If you'd like to skip this step, you may use a Golden Meadย during March, April, or May to unlock the Bunny Ears trait. Non-bunny Cinnas that already have the Bunny Ears trait are not affected by this update!
  • Cinnabuns and BonBons cannot have Wild faces that resemble dogs or cats. Additionally, they must have Bunny Ears. These rules are in place to make design approvals easier for everyone involved!
  • Some Cinnas that get grandfathered in as Cinnabuns or BonBons will not entirely follow theย newest anatomical guidelines. Trying to fit old designs into new rules is not exactly black and white!

As always, if you all have any questions regarding Cinnabuns or BonBons, you may ask in #ask-the-staff, or give respectful/constructive feedback in #feedback-and-suggestions.



With bunny season comes bunnies, of course! Keep an eye out in #official-adopts for both Cinnabuns and BonBons designed by the admins this season - first up to bat is the CEO of Bunnymen himself, darkvvision! <3


And there we have it! We hope everything in this update serves you all well! As always, if you have any questions, you can direct those to #ask-the-staff.

Let the bunnies begin!


๐Ÿ‡ TL;DR ๐Ÿ‡

  • Banner by Lvsu, Springstrike, and Kouriander
  • COTM winner rainer - new theme is Good Luck Charm ๐Ÿ€
  • No more trait checks in #ask-the-staff please
  • Chaosi are now an open species - turn in eggs for other items
  • Debut of Cinnabuns (big bunnies!) and renaming of BonBons (little bunnies!)
  • Bunny MYO items now in the shop - use a Golden Mead for ears on non-bunnies if you'd like
  • Bunny adopts incoming! First up is Kennan McCinnan


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