☃️ Snowball Smash Conclusion ☃️
Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by redcrowzThe Snowball Smash Point shop has been opened!
😈 The winning team is Team Naughty with a total of 279 points!
👼 The Team Nice was swept with a total of 208 points! Overall, you guys have accumulated 487 points!
For Team Naughty artists who have participated, you have a choice of claiming either a Common Cinna MYO OR a Rarity Rune Bundle, so long as participation in the event is linked! Redemption will be done via the point claim prompt.
- Link any piece you have uploaded for Snowball Smash.
- Attach the item of your choosing in the "Rewards" section of the prompt.
Thank you so much for your participation! Please, whenever you have time, look through the gallery and appreciate everyone's work! We hope you all got wonderful art made by lovely artists of our community. Hope you had a nice Snowball Smash!
As a note, after the Snowball Smash Point Shop closes, all points gained from the event will be wiped from your accounts and you do not keep them for next time. So buy and spend what you can while the shop is still open!
Another reminder will be sent out a day before the shop closes.
If you have any questions, let us know!