🐰 April Newsletter 🐰

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by redcrowz

from Discord, written by darkvvision

Cinnabunnalia draws near with our newest update! We hope these changes and additions find you well and bring many opportunities to create and share!

🐰 Cinnabunnalia Gacha is on Saturday, April 29th 🐰

  • Compact, nugget-sized designs including most species.
  • Not exclusively holiday or seasonally themed!
  • $55USD per roll
  • You will submit via a google form that will become available closer to the event, and be contacted via an admin for payment purposes soon after.
  • As of now, it is one roll per person. This number usually increases prior to or during the event.
  • Chats will be created soon for enjoying this event!

🏘️ New Admin Appeared! 🏘️

  • Keen-eyed among you may have noticed a new addition to our admin crew. We’re pleased to welcome redcrowz to the team! They’re proficient in the technical side of our Lorekeeper site, and answering species related questions.
  • Our former admin Wilderhoney has stepped down, they have chosen to accept a Guest Artist position. Please let them know if you have any concerns regarding owed work.

🎁 New Admin & Guest Artist Permissions 🎁

  • New design & sale permissions for all Admins and Guest Artists, reduced cap, etc.
  • Staff now have access to nearly all creative avenues regarding customs, adopts, and commissions.
  • We value quality over quantity here, and are excited to see your creations come to life as we explore the design language of this species together!
  • Guest Artists can now host raffles and giveaways any time in #🦋-giveaways-contests-raffles !

📝 Prompt Schedule Upgrade 📝

  • We now allow MYO prompts to be completed every month for a total of 12 Cinnas per year per user! We hope you enjoy the elimination of the cooldown, we’re excited to see your creations!
  • These slots are non-transferable before completion & approval.

:defunky: The Return of the Kings :defunky:

  • Real Cinnaveterans will remember our Tail Event in 2015, where we made multiple Cinnas that had one of a kind tails that were never to be replicated. Some ended up becoming staples, like the Heart Tail. Since this is the decade celebration, we’ve decided to welcome back these forbidden beauties so that they may be enjoyed again with the use of a Defuncket.
  • They will be considered Rare. These three tails are;
    ⭐️ Dragonfruit Tail: A tight bun of claws that end in points or hairy tips, and often a flowing stem.
    ⭐️ Surprise Tail: A chaotic, starry, and exceptionally pointy explosion shape.
    ⭐️ Blossom Tail: The counterpart to Dragonfruit; a gaping maw of juicy petals with a flowing tip in the center.


🔁 New Swap-out Pound Diamond Tail Rule 🔁

  • We will no longer allow the Diamond Tail trait itself to be redeemable from the pound. Given the intention of this trait is to be given as a gift from the species owner [or staff in some cases], and it is the only trait that is given this special treatment, we’ve decided to stop allowing this type of exchange in the pound.
  • You may still place a Diamond tail Cinna in the pound, but now you will only be able to redeem a Restricted Trait in exchange for the tail. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you understand the reason behind our decision.
  • We understand this trait is in a unique position as far as receiving one - and as much as we’d like to see them distributed more, we don’t think this is a tasteful method. We’re happy to consider other options as our community has grown so much since our inception. We in no way mean to put this trait on a pedestal, however it exists as a statement to an idea that we hold very dear here in Cinnas.

🌵 New Deviantart Points Shop Policy 🌵

  •  We’ve been lacking on the Deviantart shop, so we wanted to introduce a new policy when checking out with Points: if your order expires without confirmation from an admin in ❓-ask-the-staff , you will receive it for half off! Don’t be afraid to ping admins to get your approvals seen quickly if you notice we’re missing yours.

🐯 Upcoming changes in May to ⭐️ Wild trait

  • We will be dissolving Panthera, Snub, Wolf, and Borzoi and allowing them all for common use.
  • Existing Cinnas before 4/10/2023 with these faces will be marked as Legacy rarity, or you can exchange this status for 1 Rare Trait item.
  • This way, Cinnas made before this update are still considered having a ⭐️ Rare trait to compensate for the sudden change. Alternatively, you can choose to forfeit this legacy status for a direct return on your once rare trait.

🌀 Easter Basket Surprise 🌀

  • 🌀 Chaosmite Eggs have been hidden and gathered by the mysterious Cinnabunnies this year along with our regular basket full of goodies. You’ll find them in the Item Prompt Pool for Spring and both our site shops!


🦋 Banner News & Raffle 🦋

  • Our April Banner was made by @CRYhavoc, @.⊰♪⊱₳Ɽ₮ⱧɄⱤ⊰♪⊱., and laggingbehindreality featuring some festive Cinnabunnies 💝🐣 Let them know how you like it!
  • We will be hosting a raffle soon for three users to collab on our server banner for May! Consolation included for your work ❤️ Keep an eye out in 🦋-giveaways-contests-raffles for the react post to participate!

Tl;dr 🧠 ADHD version 

  • 🐇 Event Timer, Guide, Details
  • 🏘️ New Admin, Lexi & New Guest Artist, Corin
  • 🎁 New Designer Permissions for Admins & GAs
  • 📝 MYO prompts no longer have month cooldown, may be completed once a month for total of 12.
  • :defunky:Return of the last three Defunct Tails from the 2015 Tail Event - the Dragonfruit, Surprise, and Blossom Tails are all rare and available for use with a  960376062498447391.webp?size=44&quality=lossless
  • 🔁 Swap out pound will no longer offer Diamond Tails as an option when submitting your 🌟 Legendary Cinna.
  • 🌵 If your commission request through our Deviantart shop expires, you get your item half off! Contact us if this has happened recently.
  • 🌀 Chaosmite Eggs available thru May in shops
  • 🦋 May Banner Collab Raffle soon 🦋-giveaways-contests-raffles
  • Prompts for March will be accepted for another 24 hours while they’re being updated. Thanks for your patience!


We are always looking for ways to improve and condense information here, as well as entertain ideas for prompts, events, and more. You are the lifeblood of this community, and we value all of your feedback! Feel free to let us know how you feel about all of this, and we’ll be happy to get back to you asap 💝 Have a happy safe height of Spring, friends. Love you!



from Discord, written by poejangles

I’d like to make an announcement about a certain fandom that has begun to bloom through different platforms; if anyone is familiar with PartyCoffin and their independent story Welcome Home.
This creator has come out with discomfort about a lack of consent and boundaries from some fans and we would like to bring this message to any fans in our community that we will not allow any IP based cinnas from Welcome Home due to the fact that whether it’s MYO or Custom, we would be making money off of someone’s work; PartyCoffin is one person and we wouldn’t feel comfortable taking money from anyone at this time.

If at any point they make another announcement in the future expressing more comfortable grounds, we will be happy to change this announcement!
Of course you’re allowed to make OCs and art of this fandom, the creator is fine with that, we only want to make sure that we aren’t taking potential income from a singular artist who is struggling at this time.

Thank you so much for your understanding and support at this time in both communities!




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