

Cloven (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Antilocapridae
    • Pronghorns
  • Any species of Bovidae
    • Impalas
    • Wildebeests
    • Bonteboks
    • Antelopes
    • Gazelles
    • Cattle
    • Buffalo
    • Bison
    • Goats
    • Sheep
    • Ibex
    • Serows
    • Duikers
    • Addax
    • Oryx
    • Dwarf Antelopes
    • Reedbucks
  • Any species of Cervidae
    • Deer
    • Irish Elk
  • Any species of Moschidae
    • Musk Deer
  • Any species of Tragulidae
    • Mouse-Deer
  • Any species of Camelidae
    • Camels
    • Llamas
    • Alpacas
  • Any species of Giraffidae
    • Giraffes
    • Okapis

Mustelid (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Musteloidea
    • Skunks
    • Red Pandas
    • Raccoons
    • Ringtail Cats
    • Coatis
    • Kinkajous
    • Weasels
    • Otters
    • Badgers
    • Ferrets
    • Wolverines
  • Tanukis / Raccoon Dogs

Ursa (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Ursoidea
    • Bears

Batty (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of bat

Pouchy (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Metatheria
    • Kangaroos
    • Opossums / Possums
    • Bandicoots
    • Tasmanian Devils
    • Koalas
    • Quokkas
    • Sugar Gliders
    • Numbats
    • Wombats
    • Wallabies
    • Quolls

Rodent (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Simplicidentata
    • Rats
    • Mice
    • Hamsters
    • Gerbils
    • Guinea Pigs
    • Capybara
    • Squirrels
    • Chipmunks
    • Prairie Dogs
    • Marmots
    • Groundhogs
    • Porcupines
    • Beavers
    • Kangaroo Rats
    • Jerboas
    • Chinchillas
    • Gophers
  • Any species of Eulipotyphla
    • Hedgehogs
    • Shrews

Thief (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Foxes
  • Any species of Eupleridae
    • Fossas
    • Falanoucs
  • Any species of Hyaenidae
    • Hyenas
    • Aardwolves
  • Any species of Herpestidae
    • Mongooses
    • Meerkats
    • Kusimanses
  • Any species of Nandiniidae
    • African Palm Civets
  • Any species of Prionodontidae
    • Asiatic Linsangs
  • Any species of Viverridae
    • Civets
    • Genets
    • Oyans
    • Binturongs

Bully (Common)

Category: Wild Face
  • Bull Terriers
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Oriental Shorthairs

Snub (Common)

Category: Wild Face
  • Affenpinscher
  • Boston Terriers
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Bulldogs (French, English)
  • Japanese Chin
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Pugs
  • Pekingese
  • Shih Tzus
  • Persians / Himalayans / Silver-Shaded Persians / Peke-Face Persians
  • Exotic Shorthairs
  • British Shorthairs
  • Scottish Folds
  • British Longhairs
  • Napoleons
  • Selkirk Rexes

Wolf (Common)

Category: Wild Face

[Cinnadog Exclusive]

  • Any breed of wolf (including Maned Wolves)
  • Coyotes
  • Jackals
  • African Wild Dogs
  • Dingos
  • Dholes
  • Bush Dogs



Borzoi (Common)

Category: Wild Face

[Cinnadog Exclusive]

  • Borzoi / Russian Hunting Sighthound
  • Afghan Hounds
  • Salukis
  • Taigans
  • Greyhounds
  • Any breed of sighthounds
  • Rough Collies
  • Most dolichocephalic dog breeds

Pomua (Common)

Category: Wild Face

[Cinnadog Exclusive]

  • Chihuahuas
  • Pomeranians
  • Yorkie Terriers
  • Papillons
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Panthera (Common)

Category: Wild Face

[Cinnacat Exclusive]

  • Tigers
  • Pumas / Cougars / Mountain Lions
  • Panthers
  • Lions
  • Jaguars / Jaguarundis
  • Leopards / Snow Leopards
  • Cheetahs

Buggybite (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of insect
  • Any species of arachnid
  • Any species of worm
  • Any species of crustacean
  • Any species of arthropod
  • Any species of gastropod
  • Any species of Bivalvia

Simian (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Primates (excluding humans)
    • Lemurs
    • Monkeys
    • Apes
    • Galagos
    • Lorisids
    • Haplorhines

Cinnephant (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of proboscideans
    • Elephants
    • Mammoths
    • Mastodons
    • Gomphotheres
    • Stegodons
  • Hippopotami
  • Rhinoceroses
  • Tapirs

Delphinna (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of cetaceans
    • Dolphins
    • Whales
    • Porpoises
    • Orcas
    • Narwhals
  • Any species of Pinnipeds
    • Seals
    • Sea Lions
    • Walruses
  • Any species of Sirenia
    • Manatees
    • Dugongs

Verminna (Rare)

Category: Wild Face
  • Any species of Xenarthra
    • Anteaters
    • Sloths
    • Armadillos
    • Glyptodonts
    • Megatheriums
  • Any species of Pholidota
    • Pangolins
  • Echidnas

Scaly (Rare)

Category: Unusual Body
Subcategory: Anatomical

All or partially scaly body. Also allows the use of large spikes on the body / tail.


Aquatic (Rare)

Category: Unusual Body
Subcategory: Anatomical

Functioning fins and/or gills. Also allows for tentacle-like appendages. Sentient tentacles would jointly fall under extra limbs.

170 results found.