Cinnaverse Website Grand Opening

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by redcrowz


Hey there Cinnafriends!

Welcome to the new Lorekeeper Website that many of you have been hoping for! We're very excited to unveil this project that's been going on behind the scenes to you all. A lot of time, dedictation, and effort has been going on for months, and we sincerly hope that this website makes any qualms about the masterlist, keeping track of items, and anything else much more convenient. 

With that, we welcome Lexi (redcrowz), Mac (nerdymacandcheese), Rory (GreaserDemon), and Buck (Toxicroak) as the Cinnaverse Website Staff!

We understand that some areas need some fixing up, but overall the Masterlist, all necessary items, and traits are properly implemented on the site! The site will continue to update as Lorekeeper gets new features to use for our convenience!

The Cinnacentral will continue to be up as the Cash Shop begins to be implimented here, but you will still be able to redeem your items from there! Once a Cash Shop has been implemented, we'll be sure to notify everyone.

Lexi and Buck have written up some site guides and updates for you all to look through as you all get situated onto the new website.


You can get started on the website by registering and verifying your email, DeviantArt, and/or ToyHouse! After registering, you can claim a free Rarity Rune!

As we transition into this new website, we also suggest for you to look into the Updates category in our prompts, as stated in the Google Doc. There, you can claim your items, fix ownership of Cinnas, check their traits, and add missing Cinnas!

Thank you everyone for being patient with all of us. We hope you have a wonderful January and a wonderful Cinntennial!



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